Monday, September 30, 2019

Racism & Ethnic Identity Essay

Race is evidently an important aspect in our Australian society today. It is personified in the biological makeup of an individual. Individuals of different racial background differ in physical appearance such as skin color, and facial features making DNA and genes the only cause behind these dissimilarities. Many races have been introduced into this nation since decades and slowly have been recognized such as the Caucasian race and the Asian race. Ethnicity while slightly related to race is based upon a person’s cultural and social expression within an ethnic group; this entails for instance that although one may be of a Caucasian descent born and raised in Australia they also may acquire an ethnic background from Greece and follow the Greek traditions and customs thus making them of Australian-Greek nationality. This paper will recount the different races which exist in Australia as well as some popular ethnic backgrounds which this country has become familiar with whilst narrating and analyzing a number of issues facing ethnicity and race in our society today. The first issue facing ethnicity is the fact which promptly makes individuals assume that other persons of an ethnic descent are liable for criminal omissions. It is often simple for people to identify ethnic members when a crime is involved as it is much easier to classify these individuals due to their distinct physical appearance. Conflict is a natural phase during times of change, however the next issue points out that it can become violent when that particular change is not managed properly and in a just way; such as inequality of the distribution of power which could lead different sections of society against each other and form their own ethnic groups to compete for power in retaliation. Therefore conflict is likely to occur when communication between ethnic, religious or cultural groups deteriorates or breaks down resulting in more conflict and problematic situations. The third issue causing a stir in today’s society is racism or racial discrimination. It is evident that immigrants have been disadvantaged in the work force as well as social welfare simply because of their racial background; the law has developed remarkably over time to protect individuals against racism of any kind. This report will set the main argument of why this has become an integral part for our society with respect to social analysis.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Aristotle’s Virtuous response to Plato’s Theory of Forms

Two men, facing a wall, where they delight themselves watching shadows of figures that flit in and around their sight; they are happy and content, yet they do not notice chains in their arms and legs. They have been prisoners of their own room since childhood. A door stand open as sounds of people chattering and making noise go along with the shadowy puppets brought about by a large fire. The two men continue to be amused, until such time the one of them breaks away from the chain. His curiosity takes him around the room, exploring things he had never seen, touched and felt before. And then, he ventures outside. He is immediately blinded by the sun, but he regains focus and sees lakes, valleys, mountains and tree; the very things he had seen through the shadow puppets illuminated by light. He feels obliged to return to the room and tell his experiences with his partner. But his partner refuses. He is content. He is ignorant, yet happy. On the other hand. The two chained individuals have no sense of goal or purpose. They rely on their sensual perception of the world and immediately base it as source of their own knowledge. Unknown to them, the outside world of the ideal exists, and they have no sense of duty to overcome their ignorance and to further inquire into the ideal world. This, in a nutshell, is the basic premise of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave which is a part of his dialogues in The Republic. Plato argues in one his tenets on the Theory of Forms that the outside world remains unknowable; that man is compelled to view the ideal or the eidos when he is fed with already subtle images of the real. Man’s contentment is bordered with ignorance that enables him to sit placidly and watch the ‘images’ or shadows that do not ultimately give a perception of the outside world. In contrast, Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics provide a clear and definite understanding on the nature of man itself, where man’s ultimate purpose is directed toward the attainment of the good or eudaimonia, which is a state of happiness and greater understanding. The existence of virtue necessitates the individual to conceive of a state which provides personal and wilful understanding of the self in order to ‘know. This state of knowing, in Aristotelian terms, is focused on the idea of happiness. In response to the question, the paper will first discuss the notions brought about by Plato on the subject of Scepticism through an enumeration and explanation of his Theory of Forms, specifically on the Allegory of The Cave that brings about the sceptical challenge posed by Plat o whether the individual has the capability of attaining true knowledge. Consequently, Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics will attempt to deliver arguments that may answer the challenges posed on scepticism through a monistic approach on the Theory of Forms contrary to the dualistic conception of the world of Forms and Ideas. In addition, Aristotle’s virtue-based ethical system will also provide explanation toward the individuation of man in making his own choice and achieving true knowledge or happiness. Plato and the Cave As narrated in the aforementioned passages, one of Plato’s main philosophies is on the theory of Forms and Ideas. The Allegory of the Cave sums up one of his numerous epistemological assertions on universals; that is, the complete reliance of a universal tangent in the universe that remains unchanged, thus the existence of the ideal world or the eidos. As narrated in the passage, the work itself is an allegory, meaning that the objects and characters of the story act as symbols that represent one of Plato’s philosophies. The two men in the story (originally described as prisoners) are in a cave since childhood. This implies that man is born ignorant of true knowledge and the world around him. This also reflects Plato’s stewardship with his former mentor, Socrates, wherein the first method of gaining true knowledge is through a clear reaffirmation of own self-ignorance in order to know; I know nothing and therefore I must question to know. In relation to the allegory, the men are also chained to their places; that is, ignorance prevents them of exploring the outside world, to know the ideal. Yet they remained imprisoned to their own ignorance. Second, the images cast by a large fire in the back of the cave symbolize the form; the unreal objects of reality that merely provides a distorted perception of what is real. These images are reflected by the fire and cast into shadows onto the walls in which the two men happily watch. This symbolization means that the individual only perceive his world as a mere representation of the ideal. For example, to view a plain object, like a chair or an apple, is not to view it as it is; meaning that these objects are mere representations of the ideal world, thus they are only forms of the ideal. Next, there are also ambient noises of shouts and screams that the two prisoners immediately attribute it with the images they are seeing. This implies that sensual experience cannot entirely determine what is real. In order to know, one must question and therefore this precept establishes the foremost principles of rationalism, which is knowledge based on question rather than experience. Further, these men, fed with sounds and images, remain ignorantly happy, and therefore establishes continuity with regards contentment. The chains represent ignorance as it hinders both men of establishing real knowledge. Plato then presents a scenario where one of the men breaks free from his bondage. It takes time though, to walk in and about his place because it is the first time to do such. Man then explores things that he had not seen before – the real of objects of the representations he used to see in the cave. Outside the cave, he is blinded by the sun, yet regains his focus to see things as they are. He is then compelled to tell his fellow of his experiences. However, his companion is hopelessly happy and content with his ignorance that he refuses to free himself from his bondage. The implications of the following symbolisms represent the hopeless refusal of the chained man from knowing ‘what is real. Instead, he focuses his attention toward the petty illusions of the form; he had hopelessly chained himself with ignorance that provides him with happiness and contentment that he refuses to venture into a whole new different realm. On the other hand, the free man extricates himself from the illusions brought about the form and ventures hesitatingly toward the id eal. Plato notes the level of unease and difficulty in facing such since man has long been ignorant of the ideal world. Yet through difficulty, the attainment of true knowledge should be the sole reason of overcoming such obstacles. The symbolism of the sun, which blinds the free man as soon he leaves the cave, represents the intellectual illumination brought about by the ideal. This can also be related to a theistic interpretation of Plato’s view on God. The blinding illumination represents ‘greatness’ of the Thus, Plato’s scepticism is unidentified through the notion of man in search of the ideal. Taking from the philosophies of Socrates, Plato’s Theory of Forms argues for a search using rational thought and the mode of questioning in supposition with the sensual experience in attaining knowledge. This thought lies with the notion of sceptical assimilation of knowledge whether it can be attained or not. For Plato, the notion of the Good or the Ideal remains speculative since man’s ignorance prevents him from seeking such. A life in the Golden Mean On the other hand, Aristotle argues ethics is the search for the chief end and final goal in life. Ethical knowledge is not precise compared to mathematics and sciences, but it is a practical discipline in a way that in order to be good or virtuous is not to quantify it as a study but to actually become good or virtuous. Aristotle conceptualized that the highest good is happiness – the universal end of human life. Contrary to Plato's self-existing good, happiness should be practical rather than abstract or ideal. The Highest Good must be desirable in itself and not for some other good. Happiness is found in the experience of life and work that is unique to humans or the rational soul. The function of human beings is then to do what is inherently human, because to be good is to individuate oneself through the use of reason or logos. To achieve happiness, according to Aristotle, is line with the fulfilment of the natural purpose of the human soul. In addition, Aristotle states that an ethical virtue is a condition between what is in excess or deficient. However, Aristotle did not espouse moral relativism as he assigned certain emotions (hate, envy, jealousy) and certain actions (theft, murder) as intrinsically wrong in spite of different circumstances. In his work, the Nichomachean Ethics, the process to achieve happiness is to find a mean or middle ground between the two polar opposite of a particularly subject. For example, modesty is a middle ground between two emotions. Too much modesty leads to bashfulness and the lack leads to shamelessness. The foundation of the mean between the opposites of behavior is the Golden Mean. Aristotle’s ethics is goal-oriented; that every being has a definite purpose or end. In line with Plato’s thought, both philosophies center itself on the individual and choice. The difference lies with Aristotle’s ethical system wherein his virtues give the character its purpose, as opposed to Plato’s aim of achieving knowledge. As mentioned from book one of the Ethics, â€Å"every art and inquiry, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has been rightly declared to be that at which all things aim† (Pojman 2007, p. 375). Thus, Aristotle’s primary aim is for the attainment of the good, which all behaviour and action is directed to such. Plato argues for an assertion of knowledge as implied in the allegory, but Aristotle contradicts this argument that the ideal or the ‘good’ is not otherworldly and unattainable but can be achieved through the direction of happiness in an individual’s life. Aristotle defines virtue as excellence, not only in the material, bodily part of man but also of the soul: â€Å"for the good we are seeking was human good and the happiness human happiness. By human excellence we mean not that of the body but that of the soul; and happiness also we call an activity of the soul† (Pojman 2007, p. 382). For Aristotle, the concept of the good is not metaphysical, but rather attainable; a state of excellence motivated by virtue of the soul. This contrasts sharply with Plato’s notion of a self-existing good or the universals (the ideal, eidos). The human mind, according to Aristotle, naturally aligns its thinking toward abstraction and the conception of the form and ideal does not necessitate a separation of these two ‘worlds. ’ Rather, he argues that the attainment of the ideal is equated with the good or happiness and that it can be practically achieved through a life practiced with virtue. On the concept of virtue, Aristotle defines these as excellence on the part of the human soul. However, these virtues may either be in excess or defect that ultimately harms both the body and soul. Let us consider this, that it is in the nature of such things to be destroyed by defect and excess, as we see in the case of strength and health; both excessive and defective exercise destroys the strength and similarly drink or food which is above or below a certain amount destroys the health† (Pojman 2007, p. 384). The same occurrence happens with virtue; a virtuous act cannot be considered if it is in defect or in exces s. For example, fear is a polar opposite of rashness while courage is the mediated virtue. Both defect and excess are considered vice and therefore follows a certain amount of pain. Vice only exists in the bodily understanding of the mind while virtue (courage, temperance, justice) is nobler and man’s duty is to attain such. Moral excellence or virtue is then a mediation between virtue and vice and it through such that man achieves happiness. The Golden Mean, on the other hand, is a mediated state which enables the individual to achieve eudaimonia through virtue, which is a moderate state that separates excess and deficiency. As explained in the aforementioned passages, this balance relies on the understanding of excess or defect. The proper virtues, according to Aristotle, are courage, temperance, truthfulness, among others. These are the mediated forms of vice (courage as a middle ground between foolhardiness and fear). Scepticism Response In relation to the sceptical problems posited by Plato in his Theory of Forms, the arguments is the nature in which knowledge is acquired, which according to Platonic philosophy, is man’s goal – to break free from ignorance and to attain true knowledge. Plato slightly deviates from Socrates’ methods through the conception of the world of the ideal and forms. His challenge of scepticism lies primarily with the senses as explained in the allegory. The sensual experiences of individual cannot entirely guarantee a clear perception of what is real or not. Thus, the sensory images that man experiences everyday represent an ideal form on some outside world. The problem lies with the method of achieving such; that is, actually conceiving of perfect idea of a represented object. For Aristotle on the other hand, he answers this challenge through the conception of his own ideal end of man – achieving happiness. For Aristotle, the dualistic conception of the realm of the form and ideal, though abstract, does not necessarily mean that it is apart. Rather, he argues that both worlds are unified into one stratified substance and the ideal (eudaimonia, happiness) exist in the sensory world that the individual lives around. Thus, he categorizes the different factors of the world that the individual lives around through the conception of virtue and vice. Aristotle’s ethical system solely rely on the individual to conceptualize or to practice virtue in order to achieve happiness. Contrary to Plato’s theory, the assimilation of virtue is entirely attainable through a more practical practice rather than a metaphysical understanding. However, both philosophers share the same ‘struggle’ in achieving the desired state of human consciousness: â€Å"That moral excellence is a mean, then, and in what sense it is so, and that it is a mean between two vices, the one involving excess and deficiency. Hence, it is no easy task to be good. For in everything it is not easy task to find the middle† (Pojman 2007, p. 388). The same amount of effort, as characterized in the allegory, needs to be equally powerful or in this case, needs to have complete understanding on what it is to be in the ‘middle ground. ’ As Aristotle’s goal-centered ethical system, it contrasts with the implication brought by Plato’s allegory wherein there is only an imagined state of ‘escape’ from ignorance rather than a self-proclaimed attempt of defining one’s life. In the allegory, it is clearly presented from the symbolisms that the reader must ‘imagine’ the man escaping from the chains of ignorance in order to view the world of the eidos. Based from this premise, it can be assumed that this freedom of ignorance is through an understanding of the unreal; that one must question in order to know what real knowledge is. Plato’s problem on scepticism lies on the idea whether the ignorant man has the capability to question or understand the unreal objects of impression and further realizes the ideal that which represents it. Aristotle addresses this through the Nichomachean Ethics wherein the individual character and disposition of man is necessary in directing his own life to an objective state of happiness. Contrary to the dualistic notion of the form and ideal, both worlds, according to Aristotle, exists as one and are the world of forms is represented with the vice. Vice is considered a material, worldly state, something that opposes happiness through its polar opposites. Excess of happiness is indulgence and pleasure while the lack of it is melancholy. Both states however, follow a certain amount of pain since it neither provides balance, always an excess or lack. Through the practice of virtue and mediation, the individual experiences eudaimonia through a careful re-examination of action and the application of virtue. The virtuous life does not have pain, defect or excess, since it is mediated in the middle that is carefully suited to one’s individual needs. Aristotle’s idea of happiness is similar to that of Plato’s ideal world. However, Plato’s conception of the ideal remains unachievable, since the individuals response to their own ignorant states already provide them a sense of satisfaction and happiness. For Aristotle, this mediocre sense of happiness is not the final end or purpose of man. Rather, the application of the Nichomachean Ethics provide another greater purpose or end. The theory of forms merely presents a sceptical approach to man’s choice to break free from ignorance. Aristotle answers this problem through a character-oriented approach – that which gives purpose to the individual to totally break away from sensory experience and to question the world around him. A mediated knowledge Therefore, we conclude that Aristotle’s arguments opposing Plato’s Theory of Forms practically answers the sceptical problem of knowledge in Plato’s allegory. The question whether man has the capability to break free from ignorance is answered through an evaluation of personal character and moral beliefs in attaining a redirected good – happiness. Through the valuation of an end object, the individual is then given purpose. This purpose, applied with Plato’s ideologies, gives the ignorant man a sense of responsibility to know and redirect action toward a much nobler purpose. The individual is then not forever condemned with his own ignorance as he has a purpose to fulfil. Thus, the imagined state of freedom from bondage is gone from a wilful acknowledgement of purpose. In Aristotle’s notion, this purpose is directed toward happiness which individuates the being through purpose. These notions can also be based on the succeeding theories on rationalism and existentialism where Aristotle’s ethical systems give importance on the individual to question his own existence and surroundings in order to know, contrary to a sensual perception of the world. It is important for an individual to know a middle-ground between excess and deficient moral attitudes and characters in order to fully realize the illusions brought about by materialistic objects. Wilful ignorance poses a problem on the understanding of true knowledge since there is no courage to face new objects or truths. Both philosophers mention a certain level of difficulty in attaining virtue or intellectual illumination. It is then necessitated in the individual to fulfil such roles and break away from the ignorant perception of illusionary objects and to find a greater purpose in life. These finite states of worldly objects always posses a cycle of unending pain and only through a mediated understanding of happiness is when man can break away from such trivial cycle and achieve a complete state of understanding.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

College Essays vs. Scholarship Essays: 4 Key Differences

Applying to college is a huge amount of work. On top of that, you may be applying for scholarships to help ease the financial burden of your tuition and other expenses. Many scholarship applications require essays—and these are in addition to the essays you’re already writing for your college applications. So, what’s the difference? Can you use the same essay or parts of it for both purposes? Read on to find out. College essays help adcoms get a sense of students’ personalities. They want to see whether you’re a good fit with their institution and student body and what you will contribute. That’s why tone is so important—you need to convey that you’ll mesh well with the school and understand what that means. Find out more in What Is a College Personal Statement? . Meanwhile, scholarship committees are looking for students who stand for the interests of the organization and will represent it well. These organizations often align with and support particular talents, industries, demographics, or causes, so the students to whom they award scholarships must embody these ideals as well. For example, there are scholarships for first-generation students , Hispanic/Latino students , and STEM scholars . Your essay must demonstrate that you believe in the mission the organization represents. Many colleges use the Common or Coalition applications, and their prompts are often very broad. You’ll also have a choice of topic. Many colleges also have school-specific supplemental essays , whose topics can be a bit more narrow, such as asking you why you want to attend that particular school . Scholarship prompts tend to be more specific and focused on the organization and its mission. For example, Digital Responsibility’s Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship asks you to complete the statement â€Å" I pledge to not text and drive because†¦ † in 140 characters. Since college essays are about you and how you’ll fit in at the school, you’ll need to do some brainstorming to generate broad ideas around which to center your statement. Check out Where to Begin: 3 Personal Essay Brainstorming Exercises for ideas. For scholarship essays, you want to demonstrate that you agree with the company philosophy. That means you need to do some research to understand what that philosophy is and incorporate the organization’s ideals. Often, you can find out a lot by simply browsing the organization’s website and social media accounts and finding stories and examples of current and past projects. College essays tend to be on the longer side. The Common App has a 650-word maximum for its main essay, while the Coalition Application allows 300-550 words. Scholarship essays tend to be shorter, usually under 500 words. Sometimes the essays are even shorter still, as with the Don’t Text and Drive example. And, of course, some scholarships don’t require essays at all. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. Both your college essays and scholarship essays should represent you and what you stand for. Even though scholarship essays are usually about a cause that the organization sponsoring the award supports, if you’re applying for it, you should believe in that cause as well. Of course, it goes without saying that you should be the one actually writing the essays as well. Your essays need to be well-written. You should make use of rhetorical devices and other language tools, as well as follow grammatical rules . Make sure to read over all your essays and get second opinions. At the end of the day, both adcoms and scholarship committees want to get to know you through your writing. Taking care to understand the institution or organization and truly representing your authentic self will come through, so put in the effort. It really counts! Looking for help with your college applications? Check out our College Application Guidance Program . When you sign up for our program, we carefully pair you with the perfect admissions specialist based on your current academic and extracurricular profile and the schools in which you’re interested. Your personal specialist will help you with branding, essays, and interviews, and provide you with support and guidance in all other aspects of the application process.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ludwig Wittgenstein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ludwig Wittgenstein - Essay Example However, his role as the chief influence on the development of analytic philosophy and the studies on logic, language, perception, intention, ethics, religion, aesthetics, and culture etc cannot be outshined by many in the modern philosophy. "Considered by some to be the greatest philosopher of the 20th century, Ludwig Wittgenstein played a central, if controversial, role in 20th-century analytic philosophy. He continues to influence current philosophical thought in topics as diverse as logic and language, perception and intention, ethics and religion, aesthetics and culture." (Biletzki) Therefore, it is obvious that Ludwig Wittgenstein has left his imprints on the philosophical thought of the contemporary world and his significance as a great philosopher of logic, Mathematics, mind, and the language needs to be appropriately recognized. A profound analysis of the life and works of this great genius helps one in recognizing the true merit of his philosophies and in admitting that Wit tgenstein was exact and correct about the philosophical positions he held. This paper takes up such a reflective analysis of the philosophical ideas of Wittgenstein who needs yet to be understood exactly and properly and it is an endeavor to recognize this philosopher as acceptable in what he propagated. To comprehend t

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Think 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Think 3 - Essay Example judged the government was in welcoming a technology that allowed human beings to produce androids which resemble human beings in every way only that they lacked bone marrow and empathy. "Emigrate or degenerate! The choice is yours!" (pg. 6). This indicates that the government believed that the American government disintegrated after WWT and a new society could only be created in a new land. However, as the novel progresses, the new glimpse of life seen on earth are deem and incomparable to the attractive life in Mars. The question of what makes us human is evident when the author states "...ultimately, the empathic gift blurred the boundaries between hunter and victim, between the successful and the defeated" (Dick 29). It is empathy that differentiates us from androids. However, technology is challenging this inordinate ability and the continual use of technology is making us isolated and might soon challenge our very existence. Living a false life is currently the order of the day as evident through social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook which makes us highly connected yet very isolated. â€Å"The electric things have their life too. Paltry as those lives are† (Dick 239). The technological devices invented by human beings have a life of their own, but we increasingly find ourselves attracted to ‘their’ life, forgetting our life. Reading Philip Dick’s novel, one realizes how the present world is actually experiencing the situation that was foreseen decades ago. It is an outstanding masterpiece to every student who believe in the destructive nature of

Business Law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Law and ethics - Essay Example Yet, conflict itself is only one part of a much larger equation. Conflict, regardless of the organization or entity in question, is very much a real and measurable part of the way in which interaction between individuals takes place. However, at the moment in which an ethical conflict is determined to exist, the level and extent to which an individual is required to become not only part of the issue but work towards a solution is immediately denoted. As such, the conflict of interests and key pressures that exist within the business world oftentimes coincide to create a situation in which a possible â€Å"solution† to the conflict involves an unethical approach. Ultimately, even though these situations seem to be somewhat clear and readily understood, the level and extent to which an ethical issue or conflict exists is not only as black and white as it may appear. Oftentimes, both sides of a particular conflict are willing and able to utilize an unethical approach as a means o f solving the issue. ... ethical dilemma although a great litany of different questions should spring to mind when an individual faces an ethical dilemma, some of the first and most effective questions are contingent not upon who to blame; rather, the researcher/participant should instead focus upon seeking to understand what stakeholders are involved, understand what issues have prompted the disagreement, and seeks to promote a level of cooperation in achieving a mutually beneficial and ethically sound resolution. Moreover, when approaching a question that is links to an ethical dilemma, the individual should also seeks to divorce themselves from the level of bias. This includes, but is not limited to, attempting to understand the situation not from the standpoint of the stakeholders entirely but also from an ethical delineation of what is morally appropriate and how the different stakeholders involved in the situation would be affected within any particular course of action that is chosen to be taken. 3) D emonstrate the ability to identify and take into account others' interests Although the previous section has been concentric upon understanding the various roles that different interests/stakeholders have with regards to key issues of ethical nature, and ability to intensify, empathize, and take into account the interests of these individuals, beyond merely the ethical ramifications of the actions, is another component necessity that an individual seeking to provide a positive benefit within an ethical dilemma must engage. Ultimately, as was denoted within the first section of this analysis, the conflict that develops between groups of people, or individuals for that matter, is invariably part of everyday life. Ultimately, the interests that constrain these conflicts are the causal factors

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Question to answer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Question to answer - Assignment Example The terms connectionless and connection-oriented describe different kinds of communication. Connection-oriented means that ‘when devices communicate, they perform handshaking to set up an end-to-end connection. The handshaking process may be as simple as synchronization such as in the transport layer protocol TCP, or as complex as negotiating communications parameters as with a modem. Connection-Oriented systems can only work in bi-directional communications environments. To negotiate a connection, both sides must be able to communicate. This will not work in a unidirectional environment. On the other hand, connectionless means that no effort is made to set up a dedicated end-to-end connection. Connectionless communication is achieved by transmitting information in one direction, from source to destination without checking to see if the destination is still there, or if it is prepared to receive the information. When there is little interference, and plenty of speed available, these systems work well. In environments where there is difficulty transmitting to the destination, information may have to be re-transmitted several times before the complete message is received. Walkie-talkies, or Citizens Band radios are good examples of connectionless communication. You converse into the mike, and the radio transmitter sends out your signal. If the person receiving you doesnt understand you, theres nothing his radio can do to correct things, the receiver must send you a message back to repeat your last message’(InetDaemon). 3. What are the four important steps to follow while programming sockets for communication? Hint: Use the code given on blackboard and check the flow of the code from top to bottom for helpful information on how sockets work. One, ‘we create an object of class TcpClient (namespace System.Net.Sockets0 to connect to the server. The connection is established by calling TcpClient method

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Foreign Influence on English Football Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Foreign Influence on English Football - Essay Example The article written by Patrick Mcgovern challenges the basis behind the import of foreign players into English football. He states that the global market is a free process which changes the nature of the economic competition. Having investigated hiring practices for the English football league during 1946 to 1995, one aspect of the conclusions was that globalization might be a reasonable thing to expect. It points out that global influence is not just about players. It is also about economic social and political factors that can have either national or indeed British origins. However, this article also points out that there is consistency in the types of foreign players that are chosen to play in the English league. This can be in terms of climate, culture, language and, the style of football. This would fit countries such as Scotland, Ireland, northern Europe and Australia. However, the article fails to point out that quite a number of foreign players have come from South America, s uch as Argentina or Brazil. Their influence cannot be discounted. Therefore, the choice of fine players is partly due to culture choices.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Employee Resourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Employee Resourcing - Essay Example Employee resourcing is an important function undertaken by organizations to ensure that they obtain and retain the human capital that they need, for productive employment. This includes aspects of employment practice that relate to welcoming people to the organization, and releasing them if it is necessary to do so. Employee resourcing is a key part of human resource management which "matches human resources to the strategic and operational needs of the organization" (Armstrong, 2003: 347), and ensures the complete utilization of those resources. Its main focus is on selecting and promoting people who fit the culture and the strategic requirements of the organization. Recruitment is the process by which candidates are located and attracted for employment in an organization. The necessary effort and extent of the search is based on the selection rate and the qualifications and skill sets needed for job competence. Companies usually attempt to attract large numbers of candidates, depending on the job and purpose of the recruitment effort. Further, they aim to fill vacancies quickly, select people who will perform well, and hire people who will give sustained and long-term service to the organization (Stahl, 2003: 163).The purpose of this paper is to examine the processes of employee resourcing which include attracting job applicants, recruiting candidates and selecting employees for the workforce; and to discuss the significance of employee resourcing as an important function of the human resource management activities carried out by organizations.... Approaches to Employee Resourcing There are three paradigms or frames of reference that managers can use when undertaking employee resourcing functions. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), each paradigm may be suitable for a particular situation. The traditional paradigm represents established best practice in employee resourcing activities. The contingency-based paradigm accepts that different approaches to employee resourcing should be used for different types of situations. The new paradigm advocates innovation in the use of employee resourcing strategies according to the situation and needs that arise (Taylor, 2002: 16).As compared to traditional personnel management, human resource management (HRM) emphasizes more on finding people whose attitudes and behaviour are aligned with what management believes to be appropriate and contributive to productivity in the organization's working environment. The HRM approach to employee resourcing believes that matching resources to orga nizational requirements does not simply mean maintaining or ensuring the continuation of the existing conditions; on the other hand, it "promotes radical changes in thinking about the competencies required in the future to achieve sustainable growth and to achieve cultural change" (Armstrong, 2003: 347). The two fundamental questions addressed by HRM resourcing policies are: 1) What kind of people do we need to compete effectively both now and in the future' 2) What do we have to do to attract, develop and keep these people' Attracting Job Applicants and Recruiting Candidates Increased Use of Inside Recruitment Sources: Inside recruitment sources

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Oxfam coat Essay Example for Free

Oxfam coat Essay In the Oxfam coat, Anna Adams is able to elaborate with a dry irony the symbolism of a coat and all that it contains. In the unison of this frock, there is the hopefulness of expectation and the knowledge that very much it is a conceit towards a better life that is somehow illusory and never quite there. There is something so sturdy about this coat, but in its impoverished outline, there are thematic qualities which ring of an inevitable notion that more than one thing can be seen from it. In much of society and in judgement, clothes are one indicator of socioeconomic class and forms a classification of people, their preferences, and their prejudices, even. In the poem, the speaker seems to be in some ways, using this poem for knowledge. â€Å"I do not wear this coat to be admired,/not even to be seen; it is for seeing from. † Sometimes a person might wear a certain outfit to indicate a certain station in life. Just like during the Mardi Gras in Venice rich men sometimes dressed as beggars in tattered rags just to expose themselves to the expectations that are given to the poor. Also, in the Mark Twin story, â€Å"The Prince and the Pauper† all it takes for the prince and the pauper to switch places is a trading of clothes. That something so simple as donning a new frock, that something like this can give people new vantages is a commentary on a society that judges at times with the blink of an eye. In some ways, it seems like the speaker is trying to analogize her life to that of a farmers wife. Based on her sophisticated dialect and the advanced qualities of her grammar. It seems unlikely that she has been or was a farmers wife, it seems like even when wearing a shabby Oxfam coat. The analogy towards sacrifice and a sort of poverty, that is nevertheless good, a different lifestyle, history, and experience. The speaker, like the Prince in The Prince and the Pauper† cannot abandon the learning he has received. For when he draws the crown seal to prove his identity, he is proving himself despite the dirt on his face and the shabby misery of his appearance. When the speaker voices, â€Å"I am a walking look-out post, attired. † The word attired is by a dictionary denotation merely saying that she was wearing something which was not all too flattering. Like the paint on a walking look-out post is rarely glossy or shiny, but rather dull and worn, tired in a way in appearance. An apparatus of sorts in its rudimentary appeal and dignity regardless of the season, the hour or the time. Yet despite the adaptation of a literal denotation of attired, there is furthermore the connotation of being tired. The farmers wife is thought of to work tirelessly, without a murmur, watching out for all around her, a sturdy sediment against instability and working mightily to overcome the elements. While its certainly a bit insulting that the speaker seems to objectify the farmers wife. Comparing the frock to the deaf, dead-leaf look of camouflage and inconspicuous sight, there is evidently some derision in the admiration as well. â€Å"I am a walking look-out post, attired/in mist and dead-leaf coloured camouflage-a watchers hide, a property/advisible as poverty, as inconspicuous as middle-age. /it must have needed thirty years at least,/to reach this natural state and yet remain an artefact/that keeps me warm. To ditch it would be a waste. † The derision seems to be there, as theres the comparison of the worn coat to a natural state. It is not clear why thirty years of hard work and poverty ages a coat, that is symbolic of a toil-friendly farmers wife, to be a container for the poverty and overwork that is typically referred to rural scenes and states. In some ways, the naturalization of the farmers wife coincides with the objectification of the supposed farmers wife who is symbolized by the worn Oxfam coat. There is an organic, yet maturing or dead quality, of a kind of soulless duty as personified by the utility yet absence of personality of the illusion of a farmers wife vis a vis the Oxfam coat. â€Å"It cost me twenty pence. Good Harris cloth,/springy as heathers turf:/it has outworn the striding farmers wife/its cut suggests. Her scarecrow bones are earth. † The organic thematization is still present, as the omnipresent aspect of death and decay ares still there. That even this sturdy coat may have taxed the farmers wife who wore herself to the bones and is part of the earth as much as dead leaves melt into the dirt. The personification of this coat, in some ways serves to eclipse the deadness or gone quality of the farmers wife with its being as worn by someone else. Who cannot help thinking into the life and times of a farmers wife. However insulting or even mistaken it may be, undoubtably farmers wives lead hard lives but in some ways, we all do. That in fighting against organic matter, the endurability of good, sturdy cloth can preserve some aspects of feeling invulnerable but that people in the end, all melt into the earth. Perhaps the speaker is more than a bit sympathetically derogatory of the life and times of the farmers wife because she too, is stricken by a fear of death and being worn out. Possibly in moving the quality of being worn and an â€Å"artefact,† an outmoded cultural icon, there is an attempt to deal with the has been quality that is pervasive of many fields including that of poetry. Where a person may be a morning star one day, brilliant and admired, then thrown into the rubble the next day, exiled and socially excommunicated. In lending so much emotion, thought, and headlining grief to this Oxfam coat is perhaps a way to reconcile with the recyclability of not only leaves but people. That in a society which treasures the use of people for its own means, its in some senses hard for people to really express themselves. That in especially tough situations of environments there are so few choices to choose from and so few worlds to inhabit and wear. â€Å"It has outworn its power to startle birds/and has become a rough/looking-glass fibre stuff/chameleon, reflecting wintry woods. /that matted sheep-potential bale of wool/on knitting-needle legs-/sees me as sheep. Those twigs/sense me as bark-skinned tree if I stand still. † The use of people is at times so much changing as people are expected to objectify themselves in so many ways, that apart from a degeneration into the dirt caused by organic decay. People are expected to transform themselves from the natural to the created, just as wool is transformed by the knitting-needle into something like a sweater. The wool as fetched from the backs of sheep, sheared for warmth, is transformed in the shop by the needle to turn itself into something more that people can simply use. When the speaker wears this coat and feels that she may be more degraded and not regarded so well, looked upon as sheep. A vulnerable yet strong person who is fleeced or can be fleeced. That despite the almost insulting attitude towards the hardship of the farmers wife. The distancing yet empathy that is regenerated in this poem. That the speaker wears the pain and suffering of the farmers wife like a costume. That there is an idiosyncratic individuality which borrows from the uniformity of a farmers wife to converge into some medium point. There is still, an unavailability of true emotion or authentic sympathy, as to â€Å"travel incognito† as to â€Å"register on no mans retina. † Is a way of distancing oneself from a role, or even an affectation while still borrowing so much from it. Ultimately the farmers wife is much removed and only imagined, like some pastoral painting. In conclusion, we can only receive her secondhand, like the worn Oxfam coat, there but not there at the same time because life is never given to it in full.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Market Analysis for Buffet Restaurant

Market Analysis for Buffet Restaurant The creation of a unique, innovative, entertaining, mid scale atmosphere that will differentiate us from the competition. The highest quality food is unbelievably low prices in a clean, fun environment. Controlling costs at all times, in all areas. Hiring the best people available, training, motivating and encouraging them, and thereby retaining the friendliest, most efficient staff possible. Section II: Business description Mission: We want our guests to have the total experience when visiting Enjoy with us. Not only will our guests receive a great meal, they will also be provided with a fun atmosphere. We will be doing unique things (such as serving all you can eat) that will set us apart from the competition. We will want the dining experience to be as pleasing to the senses as it is to the palate. Our main focus will be serving quality food at a great value. We will feature a large selection of freshly prepared food, most in full view of our guests. The purpose is service that customer satisfaction is paramount. Particularly, we want to be the restaurant of choice for everyone: families and singles, young and old, male or female. On the other hand, employee welfare will be important to our success. We want our employee to feel a part of the success of Enjoy with us. Happy employees make happy guests. Similarly, we will combine menu variety, atmosphere, ambiance, and friendly staff to create a sense of place in order to reach our goal of overall value in entertainment experience. Why do we think tourists come our shop? First of all, as we know, Singapore is a country includes 3 national (India, Chinese, and Malaysia). So, this reason is very comfortable to attract travelers come to Singapore. We think when they travel to Singapore; they want to try traditional food in this country surely. Consequently, we will decide to business Buffet restaurant. With Buffet restaurant, customer can try 3 kinds of food of 3 different national easily. Secondly, we would like to open this restaurant called Enjoy with us!!!. This means when customers come with us, they can enjoy their taste by themselves wholeheartedly. Lastly, we choose our business in Sentosa because this place is most tourists will come during their tour surely. It will take place around 1,000 square meters and totally designed to reflect and describe all kinds of food in 3 national. Our short term goal is to catch people interested and slowly gain market share from other restaurant. Our long term goal is to be well known in the world. This means when people talk about restaurant in Singapore, they will think about our restaurant immediately. Start up fund: S$5 Million investment As we know, Sentosa is an icon of Singapore, so the rental will be very expensive (around S$300,000). Moreover, our business is new, so we need to use about 10% of the budget cost to build our brand name (around S$500,000). Furthermore, this restaurant business plan is prepared to obtain financing for the initial launch of this concept. The financing is required to begin work on kitchen design, architectural plans, manuals and recipe books, site selection, equipment purchases, and to cover expenses in the first year of business (around S$2,000,000). In addition to the capital contributions, it will allow buffet restaurant to successfully open and maintain operations through year one. On the other hand, concentration will be on maintaining quality and establishing a strong identity in each local market. Similarly, we also need to pay management fees and salaries to staff (around S$900,000 for first year). Besides that, we need to require cash and long term asset (around S$1,000,000). Consequently, our business will need about S$5 million. Section III: Marketing A. Research and analysis: Target market (customer) identified: In looking at our market analysis, we have defined the following groups as targeted segments. Below are our targeted market segments: Age: Seniors, young married couples with children, teenagers, citizens. (Especially foreigners) Gender: we will equally target both sexes. Income: We will appeal to the high side of low income individuals and to all in the middle income bracket. By our definition, we will have very broad appeal for our concept. It is our goal to be the restaurant of choice for the largest dining audience in Asia and Europe. Singapore has more than 10 millions tourism arrivals in 2008. With the number of tourism arrival to Singapore like that, this condition has advantage to our business. Furthermore, with our restaurants seating almost 400 people, however, we hope it will have an average of 300 customers everyday for the first year and to grow 20% each year. It is our goal to have something for everyone everyday on our menu. Particularly, we need to maintain our loyalty as we should focus on their changing needs and menu choices. Besides that, our lunch strategy is dual purposed. As we know, some kinds people do not have lunch time, from that reason, we want to keep the price point at lunch as low as possible to keep us in competition with fast food restaurant. Not only do our guests get a sandwich, drink, and fries but also a salad, dessert and a selection of hot food items. On the other hand, we can reduce the hot food assortment from dinner; we will be able to keep our food cost in line with the reduced price. Consequently, we think this is a strategy that will broaden our customer base at lunch while still maintaining our core market segment. 2) Market needs: Our business is Buffet restaurant, so we think we need to focus on: Seeks strong value. Wants variety and flavor in its food. Looks for speed of service. Wants an entertaining dining experience. Insists upon a clean, friendly, and attractive dining environment. 3) Competitive advantages: As we know, Singapore is a country which attract tourists come and travel. Furthermore, they want to spend leisure time. This factor contributed to the large demand for good restaurant in Singapore today. From that reasons, the competition is strong. Due to intense competition, our restaurant must look for ways to differentiate their place in order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage. a) Competitive comparison: In competing against the casual theme restaurant, we will have the following advantages: Lower price point for a complete meal. There will be no tipping at Enjoy with us, we are self service. Speed of service: no waiting for food. Everything will be readily available: hot, fresh, and cooked as requested. We will provide more entertainment than our competition. There will be something for everyone, everyday of the week. There will be no confusing menu board when guests arrive at our restaurant. We have made it simple: one price, everything included b) Technology: we will invest in a high speed computer to provide a fast and comfortable connection to link to our cash registers. We will also order online, email, and have a Web page. B. Marketing plan: 1) Market strategy sales and distribution: Our main focus in marketing will be to increase customer awareness in the surrounding community. We will direct all of our tactics and programs toward the goal of explaining who we are and what we are all about. We will price our products fairly, keep our standards high. Price strategy: All menu items are moderately priced. Sales strategy: The sales strategy is to build and open new locations on schedule in order to increase revenue. 2) Pricing and opening hours: Buffet Breakfast (6.00 am to 11.00am, Mon to Sun) : Adults $20, Child $10 Buffet Lunch (12.00 noon to 2.30pm, Mon to Sun): Adults $ 30, Child $ 15 Buffet Dinner (6.30 pm to 5.30 pm, Mon to Sat) : Adults $ 40, Child $ 25 Especially Buffet (6.30 pm to 11.00 pm) : Adults $ 50, Child $30 Note: Child = 5-12 years old. Free for accompanied child under 5 years old. All prices subject to 10% service charge and 7% GST. Prices subject to change. Our business includes: Buffet Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Particularly, we have 1 special service that always serves every Sunday. This service will free flow of soft drinks juices, draft beer and selected wines and champagne. 3) Advertising and promotion: Our business is new, so we need to have a good marketing plan to compete with them. Im going to use 10% of the budget cost which is 1/2 million to build our brand name. You will see our advertising everywhere, on television, on train, on the bus and news paper and also in the magazine of Singapore airlines, Tiger airways, Jetstar airlines. Website is not very important as we dont provide online purchase but we should have a nicely designed web to let people can do a research Enjoy with us!!! Leaflets will be given at all MRTs for 1 working day from 5pm to 6 pm; this is the most crowded time when people are going home after works. Particularly, in Singapore, they trade so many restaurants. Consequently, let to our business for advantages, we will have strategy as: Does not have the widest variety of food but everything here is of great quality. Free flow of fresh fruit juice, e.g. mango, pink guava, apple juices; self serve from bottles chilled in crushed ice. To-die-for desserts and pastries youd wish you had 2 stomachs! Always give promotion and discount on weekend days or holidays. Always change and prepare different kinds of food. It will make interesting in customer. They can come again and again. Section IV: Operations Quality food: fresh food, home style care. Variety, Variety, Variety: A different menu for everyday of the week will feature. Self service: Every new guest will receive a guided tour explaining our concept and the self serve system. Friendly employees: our employees will be ringing dinner bells when fresh foods come out. Furthermore, we will dress uniform that our customers can organize us easily. Reduced dinner pricing: on Monday Thursday, the dinner price will be slightly lower than on Fri/Sat/Sun. On the other hand, our principal owner will offer outside ownership in Enjoy with us!!! on an equity, debt, or combination basis in order to facilitate the start up and growth of our restaurant. Start up: Kitchen design Architecture plans Training: this will cover training of employees and management as well as cleaning and organizing the restaurant to opening. Manuals/Handbooks/Recipes. Building/ Land/ Equipment: we can build from ground up or we can do conversions from existing or close restaurants. Number of staffs: 10 managers, 5 securities, 15 waitresses, 5 bartenders, 2 receptionists, 2 cashiers, 3 chef, 5 cook helper. Location and facilities: Sentosa is the best place to open this kind of business because traveler can discover our shop easier and they can enjoy easily. With this location, we can attract customer from oversea and also citizen. They can come our restaurant on weekend to relax. Proximity to supplies: Supply can get from Malaysia, China, India directly or intermediary in Singapore. Access to transportation: Transport of foods and materials by sea or plane. Moreover, we need to have warehouse storage to hold foods and materials. Section V: Management A. Management team: As our restaurant is small business, it requires a simple organizational structure. Implementation of this organization to make all of the major management decisions in addition to monitoring all other business activities Management Team Legal structure stock agreement, employment agreements, ownership: Carefully to partnership or corporation. Need to follow legal about business in Singapore. Need to clear about employment agreement, stock agreement. C. Board of directors, advisers, consultants: Board of director is the principal owner. They will offer outside ownership in Enjoy with us!!! to improve our restaurant. Section VI: Financial A. Financial plan: Sales: our restaurant will open on 1/1/2011. Cost of goods sold: The cost of goods sold was determined by taking actual Profit and Loss statements from various restaurant concepts and then using our pricing structure and guest counts to arrive at costs. Marketing Fees: these funds will be used for the production of various marketing materials. Advertising: these funds will be used to maintain our sales at projected levels. Management Fees: we will use these dollars for accounting and payroll services of our firm. Fixed and Variable Expensed: The various fixed and variable expenses were determined by taking actual numbers from restaurant. B. Important assumption: We assume a strong economy, without a major recession. We assume, of course, that there are no unforeseen changes in consumers tastes or interests to make our concept less competitive. C. Financial forecast: Because our budget is $5 millions. So we can calculate below: 1) Break even analysis: Variable costs: 25% Cost of goods sold : $1,250,000 17% Employee payroll : $ 850,000 0.25% Credit card charges : $ 12,500 0.33% marketing fees : $ 16,500 2% Management fees : $ 100,000 10% Advertising : $ 500,000 2% Management bonus : $100,000 3.03% Employee payroll taxes and benefits: $151,500 1.5% Paper and cleaning : $ 75.000 61.11% Total variable costs : $3,055,500 Annual fixed costs $170,000 Management salaries $37,000 Management payroll taxes and benefits $16,410 Group insurance $137,000 Controllable expenses minus credit card charges and paper/ cleaning $40,208 Other expenses minus marketing fees, advertising, and management fees $100,000 Depreciation $500,000 Rental $1,000,618 Total fixed costs Start up asset: Cash required : $ 200,000 Long term asset : $ 700,000 Total asset : $ 900,000 Total requirements = Total variable cost + Total fixed cost + Total asset = $3,055,500 + $1,000,618 + $900,000 = $4,956,118 2) Profit and Loss: With an estimate of 300 customers everyday and to grow 20% each year (1.67% per month), lets say 1 customer will spend at least $40. We can see profit and loss account below: From profit and loss table, we can see: Payback period = Y + A/B YÂÂ  = the number ofÂÂ  years before final payback year. In the example, Y = 5 years.ÂÂ   AÂÂ  = Total remaining to be paid back at the start of the payback year, to bring cumulative cash flow to 0,ÂÂ  A = $4,956,118 ($145,747 + $427,447 + $765,487 + $1,171,135 + $1,657,913) = $788,389 BÂÂ  = Total (net) paid back in the entire payback year. B = $2,242,046 So, payback period = 5 + $788,389/$2,242,046 = 5.35 years or 5 years and 4 months In conclusion, our business will take back our capital after 5 years and 4 months. Section VII: Critical risks 1) Challenges: Because our business will be opened in Singapore which attracts different countries come and enjoy. Our challenges will service many kinds people and always have to make them comfortable and enjoy themselves when they come our restaurant. Consequently, we always need to update new ideas and try to have a good service. On the other hand, our purpose wants to make earn lots of money; we need to overcome challenges to have a good business 2) Risks and Contingency: Potential risks Trigger Contingency plan Food Related Lawsuits Our restaurant can be sued after a customer becomes after eating and contracting a food borne illness. Safe handling of food is an important priority for our restaurant. Liquor Liability If we serve beer, wine or other liquor. Need to test quality before sale products. Be sure we are protected from lawsuits resulting from alcohol related incidents. Property Risks Operating a restaurant often includes considerable equipment, building improvements and food stock. We need to buy insurance Price Need to cutting by competitors With Competitors, they will do anything to survive. So we always need to control the price. Number of customer Our plan needs 300 customer/day. Maybe, number of customer will not come enough. In this case, our management team will sit back to find out the reason. It could be caused by price or our marketing program was not effective, or it may be customer-service problems. Delay to complete the business plan When we will plan, maybe time for activities will be delayed This risk is very important. It directly affects all other progresses of the business. Production manager will be aware of this to make sure the chance of this risk equals to zero. Kitchen and electrical fire Overloaded or malfunctioning electrical equipment is a particular risk for our restaurant. Prevention is our best insurance! Be sure that we have appropriate fire suppression systems in place and maintained. Insurance companies typically require that our heat producing cooking equipment, particularly grease sources (fryers, grills, ranges), have aÂÂ  wet chemical fire suppression system and vent hood overhead. Section VIII: Harvest strategy segment Marketing strategy: Advertising is still word of mouth Promotion strategy: 3 different marketing tactics: Word of mouth/ in store marketing. Local Store Marketing (LSM) Local media Positioning Statement: It will be to increase customer awareness in the surrounding community. Pricing strategy: All menu items are moderately priced. Sales Strategy: the sales strategy is to build and open new locations on schedule in order to increase revenue. Sales forecast: opening day for our store is scheduled on 1st January, 2011. Section X: References Book: Federick, Howard (2006). Entrepreneurship: theory, process, and practice. Australia: Michael Tully. p.p.269 276. Website: Anon. (2010). Is your Restaurant a safe Investment? Available: Last accessed 3th May 2010. Anon. (2010). Singapore Tourism Board. Available: Last accessed 3th May 2010. Anon. (2010). My tax portal. Available: Last accessed 3th May 2010. Anon. (2010). Which is the Best Buffet in Singapore?. Available: Last accessed 3th May 2010.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Feudal Society of Matewan :: Stone Mountain Coal Company Economics Essays

The Feudal Society of Matewan The Stone Mountain Coal Company wielded monopoly control over the town of Matewan through a feudal system of economic, cultural, political, and environmental processes. Every person in the town of Matewan came under the power of the company in one way or another. The employees of Stone Mountain were under a bondage contract with the company. Once they came to the company it was impossible to leave and at the same time maintain a basic standard of living. They could not leave also because once they signed on with the company they owed the company a large sum of money for everything ranging from the ticket for the train that brought them to Matewan to the equipment they needed to work there. In this way it was as if they were paying the company to let them work in the mines rather the other way around. They did not have the rights basic to capitalism such as the right to join a union, the right to sell their labor in a labor market to the bidder of their choice, and the rig ht to spend their wage freely. The Stone Mountain Coal Company controlled the processes involving the production, circulation, and distribution of products and services in the town of Matewan. Most of the people in the town were employees of the company and others were in debt to the company through mortgages and loans. Everyone depended on the company for daily necessities such as food and clothing because the company owned the stores in Matewan and because all employees of Matewan were paid in company script which only allowed them to buy in the company stores. Furthermore, their contract said that to buy from any other store would mean immediate discharge from employment. The Stone Mountain Coal company was the only major employer in town. To become self-employed, citizens of Matewan would have needed initial endowments of resources, products and land that were only available at the company's prerogative. The Stone Mountain Coal company kept economic control through political processes which served to punish behavior unfavorable to the company. The company sent in agents from Baldwin-Felts to act as the feudal managers or Knights who intimidated the people and infiltrated the new union.

The Surroundings of Man :: essays research papers

The Surroundings of Man   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is man really born with a evil persona or a persona that is worthy as an angel or is man born naked for a reason because he has nothing to bring to this world but himself? A person is not innately any characteristic, he was brought to the world from love and must choose to love or not. Mother Theresa explains this best by saying, â€Å"Everyone was created to be loved and to love.† The novel, Lord of the Flies, has characters that were not brought to the island good or evil, but has characters that changed because the atmosphere that they are in changed them. Because of the environment that you are in makes you become a certain person, you change with the circumstances of your environment, and interact with the condition of your environment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Major events affect your life in drastic ways. A marriage, for instance is a major occurrence and different kinds of marriages can drastically change your life. A marriage that is abusive emotionally and physically can make your life full of hatred, you could be depressed, you could see your self as less a person than you are, and you could also be a frightened person because of it. A marriage completely different is one full of love. A marriage like that can cause a person to act blissful, to go out and do more things on account of your support system, and you can show other people to have loving lives like yours. All the characters, as one, are in a kind of marriage together, they lived concurrently and supported each other. The marriage was abusive, they taunted each other, especially Piggy. They taunted him at first meeting by saying this, â€Å"He’s not Fatty... his real name’s Piggy†(21). On account of that Piggy felt not worthy to other characters in the novel and didn’t get to show his more intelligent side to everyone. Events are a primary device that causes people to act a certain way. If the characters didn’t live so close together and taunt Piggy, would he have acted the way he did through the course of the novel?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being brought into particular situations can alter your life. To cite an instance, a child being taken from his home, the only place he knew, and put into a foster home would be a particular situation that could alter one’s life. The other place he lived in may have been harmful to his well-being and it was a positive occurrence that he was brought out of his home. On the other hand, the foster home could affect his well-being in a more

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Risperdal :: Drugs Schizophrenia Essays

Risperdal Risperidone is an atypical antipsychotic used to alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is defined by its effects in altering perception, thoughts, or consciousness called hallucinations or delusions. It affects about 1% of the population, with about 2 million people affected in the United States. About 50% of those affected become severely and permanently disabled and dependent upon public assistance. Schizophrenics make up about 10% of the totally disabled population and as much as 14% of the homeless. The United States spends about $70 billion annually. About 1 out of 4 patients will attempt suicide, and 1 in 10 will succeed. There is great social stigma associated with the disease (Sarason & Sarason, 2001, pg. 350). The dopamine theory behind the cause of schizophrenia states that in part excess dopamine is a possible factor or there is more than an average number of dopamine, Type 2 receptors. Risperidone acts on the dopamine D2 receptor (Sarason, et al, 2001, pg. 368). Risperidone is a psychotropic drug and is part of the chemical class of benzisoxazole derivatives used as a treatment for schizophrenia, with some results for bipolar manic disorder, as well. The molecular formula is C23H27FN4O2, with a molecular weight of 410.49 (Ereshefsky & Mascarena, 2003). Route of administration is oral. Once the drug passes the esophagus and stomach, it makes its way into the small intestines. There are beds of capillaries within the intestine walls.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A career is a developmental process of progression

Career is defined as the sequence of employment-related places, functions, activities and experiences encountered by a individual ( Arnold, 1997, P: 16 ) . In other words, â€Å" a calling is a developmental procedure of patterned advance † ( Baruch, 2004 ) . In order to stand out and come on in a chosen business and have an effectual calling planning, an single must be cognizant of his/her strengths and failings. In add-on to this, one must besides cognize the skills/competences required for that peculiar field and must hold good researched background about that business for case the current market scenario for new comers and the range for that business etc ( Lock, 2004 ) . There is a alteration apparent in the nature of the calling. This can be illustrated with the application of the psychological contract. On one manus, the old contract illustrates the exchange of trueness and accomplishments from an employee for occupation security and calling development from the employer . On the other manus, the new trade states the replacing of the construct of occupation term of office with employability and quality of life from the employer, with the anticipation of public presentation and flexibleness from the employee. Further more, there is an understanding between the employer and the employee that administrations will supply preparation and accomplishments to their employees with the outlook of them go oning to work in the same administration with the freshly acquired accomplishments and preparation ( Herriot, 1995 ) . Harmonizing to Casey ( 1999 ) , in modern administration, values, attitudes, beliefs etc are of import. Further more, the civilization programme helps an person to grok his or her work character and cognize his or her work values, attitude, beliefs and behavior. This benefits the person to come on in their calling and besides track an ideal occupation that fit their work values, beliefs etc. The work values that are most of import to me when sing work are money as it is a primary ground for me, security as it is indispensable for me to cognize that my occupation is secured and I wo n't lose it some twenty-four hours, communicating as an administration with good communicating will hold a good squad, therefore profiting the administration, and in conclusion, work with others as this will assist to construct dealingss at work and lead to a strong squad ( Hopson & A ; Scally, 1999 ) . Pull offing and planning of a calling are highly important for an person ‘s professional growing a nd development. Together the person and the administration are accountable for the development of a calling. However, an person has more duty to craft his ain calling when compared to the administration. The person is entirely responsible for his calling as it is his or her coveted aspiration and the administration is simply a accelerator in the tract to his/her success. Hence, this is the purpose behind making the Personal Development Plan for myself. The Personal Development Plan will assist me recognize my strengths, failings, work values, and larning manners, be of aid to research my chosen calling, assist me reflect on my accomplishments and competencies, and help me to put aims that will beneficial for my chosen business. The calling that fascinates me is that of events direction. Events direction involves direct and personal communicating with people and besides involves creativeness. Event organizers are expected to work in squads and have first-class interaction or communicating, organizational and clip direction accomplishments as event organizers are accountable for the production of events right from construct to the completion of the event. Some illustrations of events are carnivals and festivals, meetings, merchandise startups and publicities, fund-raising and societal events etc. The range for the events industry is predicted to turn as there is estimated to be about 69,000 more managerial occupations in this sector in the twelvemonth 2017 than in the twelvemonth 2007. Besides, as supported by recent intelligence, GL Events reveals a 14.8 % growing in gross for this sector in 2010. My short-run calling aspiration is to acquire experience in events. This may be voluntary or nonvoluntary. The i ntent of making this will assist me acquire some experience and therefore give me more cognition and exposure to carry through my average term aspiration that is going an adjunct event manager/organiser. And eventually, my long-run calling aspiration is to go an events organizer and have an events direction company of my ain.Section 1.2: SKILLS REQUIRED/ DEMANDED IN YOUR CHOSEN OCCUPATION/ROLEThere is no standard way in order to go an event organizer, and it is non typical either to happen a alumnus preparation proposition or a occupation advert with easy and direct entryway unlike other occupations like banking, finance and accounting and so on. Nevertheless, some administrations do enroll alumnuss who match the outlooks of the occupation with the right accomplishments and competences. A grade in events direction acts as a competitory advantage along with good work experience in this field. In other words, good work experience is a prevailing factor required when it comes to events direction. There are many skills/competences to see when coming to events direction. Some of them include good organizational and clip direction accomplishments, undertaking direction accomplishments and experience ; ability to work under complexness ; problem-solving or analytical accomplishments ; being able to give notice to minute inside informations, first-class communicating and squad working accomplishments ; flexibleness and the ability to market or advance the event along with the ability to pull off budgets for the events. In add-on to these, an person must besides be a good squad participant, must be self-motivated, articulate, originative ; and must hold good Personal computer accomplishments and besides presentational accomplishments that are utile when fliping thoughts to the clients. The accomplishments that make me suited for this sector are that of squad direction accomplishments, good communicating and dialogue accomplishments, good organizational accomplishments, time-management and selling accomplishments, accomplishment of flexibleness and ability to work under complex and nerve-racking state of affairss. All of these accomplishments are the most of import when it comes to pull offing an event right from be aftering an event to showing the event.Section 1.3A: ONE STRENGTH ( WITH EXAMPLES )A strength that would give me a competitory advantage over others would be that of working in a squad. Team working is really indispensable when it comes to working with others and it non merely helped me turn separately but besides acquire motivated and larn new skills/qualities from other group members. University group class plants have helped me to work in a squad and larn accomplishments like communicating accomplishments, researching and composing accomplishments and besides presentation accomplishments. Besides, in my inn, Good Shepherd International School, India, I got the chance to work in a squad and besides go the leader for that squad theref ore assisting me to better on my communicating accomplishments and leading accomplishments. I get along with largely everyone I work with and listen to others sentiment every bit good.Section 1.3B: ONE WEAKNESS ( WITH EXAMPLES )From the Honey and Mumford ‘s Learning Styles Questionnaire ( 1996 ) , I concluded with a failing that is of import for my country of work involvement i.e. in the field of events direction. The questionnaire concluded me to be in the theorist class. The questionnaire consequence suggested my failing to be that of analytical thought. In other words, reasoning from experiences. The questionnaire besides concluded me to be in the theorist class. It is really of import to be able to reason informations, particularly in the field of events, speedy decision-making is of import and non being able to analyze and reason informations accurately will take me to jobs.Section 2: Contemplation ON YOUR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT:This subdivision will give a image of the three different experiences I encountered and the skills/competences I learnt from them.EXPERIENCE 1:This experience helped me develop the accomplishment of Time direction and the ability to work under force per unit area. The event happened in the university and besides the necessary actions to better on this accomplishment began from place. It is justly said that ‘Time is money ‘ and university class works most surely helped me value and understand clip. Due to effectual usage of clip I have been able to subject my class works on clip, which enables me to do of import notes from the assignment point of position. Besides, I have managed to make for university talks and seminars, and assignments and interviews on clip. Time direction has taught be non to stall work as earlier I used to happen it hard to complete my work on clip and I used to acquire stressed. But bit by bit I have improved my clip direction accomplishments by doing notes, puting dismaies for talks, seminars, assignments etc. The work force per unit area of three faculties every semester in the university has motivated me to gain that I can get by with emphasis and force per unit area by utilizing clip expeditiously. Schuler ( 1979 ) provinces that when an single uses his or her clip good, less emphasis is generated which in bend helps the administration to profit with a healthy, more efficient and a satisfied employee ( Schuler, 1979, P: 854 ) . In other words, it can be implied that if a university pupil takes less stress and manages and utilises clip efficaciously, the public presentation of the pupil at the university can be good. This accomplishment will unimpeachably non merely assist me equilibrate and pull off my personal and professional life in the hereafter and specially in my chosen business, events direction, where clip is money, but besides assist me present a successful event, assist me make my work topographic point on clip and assist me complete my work on clip.EXPERIENCE 2:This experience helped me develop the accomplishment of Team direction i.e. working in a squad. The experience was a positive one, which happened in the university for a group presentation. Our group had a batch of integrity and we all worked as a squad and helped each other wherever we could assist. There was administration in everything we did for case, we planned and scheduled a meeting every hebdomad, wherein we would update with the advancement and make up one's mind the future work allocation for all the group members. In add-on to this, the leader of our group was really supportive of everyone ‘s thoughts and there were no differences with the thoughts for our presentation. We all agreed and communicated good with each other in a proper mode. Harmonizing to Barrick ( 1998 ) , effectual squad direction occurs when there is good communicating among the group members and besides when there are high degrees of conscientiousness and employee amenity nowadays. My large five personality trial shows that my conscientiousness and agreeableness consequence is satisfactory and good for my calling option i.e. events direction as the occupation needs one to be organised and a good squad participant. This accomplishment will assist me go a good squad participant, which will assist me stand out in my field.EXPERIENCE 3:This experience has taught me the accomplishment of self-motivation or how to construct up my self-esteem. This happened at when I was 13 old ages old. I was de-motivated by my friends, who passed remarks on me for non being able to talk English good. English is my 2nd linguistic communication. I was so encouraged by my female parent to get down reading newspapers and books and get down composing essays and studies in Eng lish. And till this day of the month, larning English is an on-going procedure. I still promote myself and seek non to acquire affected by other people ‘s remarks and take unfavorable judgments good. Harmonizing to Maslow ( 1954 ) , there are certain demands like physiological ( air, H2O, nutrient etc ) , safety ( occupation security, insurance etc ) , societal ( friendship, giving and having love etc ) , esteem ( self- regard, achievement, self-esteem etc ) and self-actualisation ( truth, justness etc ) that need to be satisfied before one can move altruistically. So every bit long as these demands are fulfilled, an single corsets motivated. I have learnt that it is my duty to construct up my self- regard and non acquire affected by remarks. If a individual is self- motivated, they are able to demo good consequences in their work. I have besides learnt to believe positively and accept my strengths and failings and besides work on my failings. This helps me construct my assurance. Bing self-motivated and assisting myself build on my ain self- regard will assist me present better public presentation at work. Events direction is an business wherein one needs to be confident and assurance can come merely when a individual is self- motivated from within.Section 3: CAREER MANAGEMENT ACTION PlanOBJECTIVE 1:State the aim.To larn and construct up on my leading accomplishmentsOutline of specific actions associated with the accomplishment of the above aim.Participate in category arguments and activities.Take the enterprise to take on the leading function when take parting in schoolroom group activities.Read books on leading accomplishments like Leadership in Organizations etc and use them.Volunteer for undertakings and activities in category. This will assist me construct my assurance.Time frame for accomplishment of the above aim.20THSeptember, 2011Have started take parting in schoolroom group activities and taking on the function of a leader.OBJECTIVE 2:State the aim. Bettering on my CV authorship accomplishmentsOutline of specific actions associated with the accomplishment of the above aim.Practice authorship and demo it to coachs.Read books on how to compose effectual CV like The ultimate CV book etc.Read books with high vocabulary. This will assist me acquire different thoughts to compose my CV, doing it more appealing and different from othersGeting an assignment with the employability squad from the university and acquiring my CV checked, and besides acquiring tips from them.Time frame for accomplishment of the above aim.30THJanuary, 2011Have started reading a book on CV composingOBJECTIVE 3State the aim.Bing able to happen and analyze informationsOutline of specific actions associated with the accomplishment of the above aim.Read books on how to analyze informations like Data analysis and determination devising with Microsoft excel etc.Practice and use the accomplishments of analyzing informationsTime frame for accomplishment of the above a im10THSeptember, 2011Have read the survey accomplishments handbook chapter 6: research accomplishmentsBibliographies: Arnold, J. ( 1997 ) ‘Managing Careers into the twenty-first Century ‘ , London, Paul Chapman Publishing. Barrick, M. R. , Stewart, G. L. , Neubert, M. J. , & A ; Mount, M. K. ( 1998 ) . Associating member ability and personality to work squad procedures and squad effectivity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 3, 377-391 Baruch, Y. ( 2004 ) ‘Managing Careers: Theory and Practice ‘ , Harlow, Ft. Prentice Hall. Construct your ain Rainbow ( 3rd Ed ) : a workbook for calling and life direction, B. Hopson and M. Scally ( 1999 ) , Management Books 2000, ISBN 1-85252-300-X Casey, C ( 1999 ) – Come fall in our household: Discipline and Intergration in Corporate Organizational Culture, Human Relations, Vol52, No2 Digman, J.M ( 1990 ) . Personality construction: Emergence of the five- factor theoretical account. Annual reappraisal of Psychology 41: 417- 440. Herriot, P. and Pemberton, C. , ( 1995 ) , New Deals: The Revolution in Managerial Careers, Wiley, Chichester. Honey and Mumford ‘s Learning Styles Questionnaire ( 1996 ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20HHYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // H & A ; M Learning Styles questionnaire.DOC † & amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // H & A ; M Learning Styles questionnaire.DOC † M % 20Learning % 20Styles % 20questionnaire.DOC hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 16th November, 2010 ) . Lock, R. ( 2004 ) Taking charge of your calling way, Book1 of Career be aftering usher. [ e-book reader ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // id=lU3YWgNCOsQC & A ; dq=taking+charge+of+your+career+direction & A ; source=gbs_navlinks_s ( Accessed: 27th October 2010 ) . Maslow, A.R. ( 1970 ) Motivation and Personality 3rd ( erectile dysfunction. ) , Chapter 2 [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 2015 % 20E205B % 20Maslow % 20- % 20Human % 20Motivation.pdf ( Accessed: 31st November, 2010 ) . Schuler, R. S. ( 1979 ) . Pull offing emphasis means managing clip. Forces Journal, 58, 851-854, [ Online ] . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th November, 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October, 2010 ) . Peoples 1st State of the Nation Report 2009 – Peoples 1st for Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // Of The Nation/2010/State_of_the_Nation_2010_Executive_Summary.pdf † % 20Of % 20The % 20Nation/2010/State_of_the_Nation_2010_Executive_Summary.pdf. ( Accessed: 18th October 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October, 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . ( Accessed: 18th October 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October, 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October 2010 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18th October, 2010 ) .CURRICULUM VITAEU0918976Nido, 200, Pentonville route, London, N1 9JP pallavigupta @ Objective:A challenging and responsible place to use and heighten my analytical accomplishments required for doing a grade in this competitory field. Willing to work with my full potency, assurance and guaranting for the best of my ability to work hard.Personal Profile:If I was supposed to depict myself in 3 words, they would be honest, difficult working and airy. Honest towards my work, difficult working attitude to stand out and a vision to make something more meaningful. I am an person with originative aptitude and an involvement in events direction. I besides possess a ardor for going and understanding diverse civilizations.Skills:I.T. SkillsA : Course Completed: A Diploma in Basic Computing like MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point and Internet Explorer Languages Known: English, Hindi, & A ; Marathi, Basic French.Education Qualification:Foundation Course: Institute / College: Malvern House College, The Bloomsbury Academy, London. B.A.Hons. : Stream: Events Management Academic twelvemonth: A Sep 2009 to Show Institute / College: A University of East London H.S.C. : Board: A A A Mumbai Board Stream: A Commerce Academic twelvemonth: A Feb 2007. Institute / College: A R.A.Podar College of Commerce and Economics, Matunga, Mumbai. S.S.C. : Board: Mumbai Board Academic twelvemonth: A March 2005 Institute / College: A St. Anthony Girls ‘ High School, Mumbai.Work Experience:I besides take enterprises in extra-curricular activities. When I was in International Good Shepherd Finishing School, Ooty, I had organized assorted maps which included The Bachelors Party, Party for kids, etc. My Professors, Coordinators and Principal non merely appreciated me for my undertaking work but besides for my communicating accomplishments. I was promoted to the profile of a Team Lead, in which I was managing a squad of 20 associates. I am besides a registered voluntary with Cancer Research Uk and have volunteered in the 10K Run as a race Marshall.Extra Curriculum Activities:Diploma in Polished Diamond, International Gemological Institute, Mumbai. Completing School in International Good Shepherd, Ootacamund.Interest:Listening to music, playing athleticss like hoops, badminton, swimming, and throw ball. In add-on to these, I besides like to play golf and make horse equitation. I have a acute involvement in going and have visited topographic points like Australia, Mauritius, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, Paris and London. In my free clip I read inspirational books. Reading newspapers and assorted cultural magazines are a wont. Watching intelligence channels for current universe updates is besides an interesting activity for me. I enjoy still photography excessively.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Middle School vs. High School Essay

Waking up on the morning of the first day of high school felt like butterflies took over my stomach. I had to put together an impressing outfit, fix my hair, and put on appealing makeup. Knowing that in about an hour I would be entering a totally different school environment than what I’m used to frightened me. Within every period of the school day, the butterflies started to flutter out of my stomach and into my new learning atmosphere. Although students tend to fear high school and think it is a nightmare to transition from middle school to the next level, attending high school is not much of a dramatic change. Before beginning high school, you are required to pick levels that you feel comfortable with that correspond with the school-picked courses. You also have to choose three elective classes. Any of these classes could include Art, Chorus, Intro to Family and Consumer Science, Accounting, Graphic Presentations, and many more. All of your chosen classes receive a letter grade, just like middle school, but the required classes are picked according to your academic capability. For example, if you are the type of student that does not do well scholarly, you would choose a level three class. This option is a great way to do better in school. Also in high school, there are more extracurricular options. High school offers a numerous amount of clubs and sports. From soccer and swimming to ping pong club and French club. If any of the extracurricular activities don’t interest you, you even have the opportunity to create your own club with the help of a teacher. In middle school, your classes are already selected and you cannot change them. These classes are mandatory, just like high school, but everyone learns at the same level. This can be a disadvantage for students who take longer to process than others. Also, in middle school, you cannot create your own clubs. The sports and clubs the school provides are your only selections. Transitioning to high school is a big eye opener especially because of the people. Guys have facial hair and girls are more matured. High school goes hand in hand with many different kinds of people and different types of cliques as well. Some examples are jocks, nerds, populars, druggies, and gays. In middle school, there were less people making everyone familiar with each other. Some being naive and inexperienced, they are not used to seeing different types of people. Overall, high school is a lot bigger. Not only is there a downstairs, but an upstairs as well and there are many more hallways. Even though classes are farther apart, there is more time in between classes. In fact, three minutes more than middle school. This allows time to go to your locker before a class and you can even stop to talk in the hallways. Since middle school allowed only two minutes in between classes, you had to be quick with exchanging books. In high school, you can take your time and arrive to class on time. The transition to high school is a big step in education, but it does not have to be a feared one. A new environment brings with it new challenges and worries, however, after awhile you will realize it wasn’t much of a striking change as you thought.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The History of Batu Caves

The History of Batu Caves The Batu Caves is all made up of limestone, as we can see when we are inside the cave or even driving on the highway crossing Batu Caves. The limestone is said to be around 400 million years old the limestone forming Batu Caves is. Some of the cave entrances were used as shelters by the native people. Batu Caves became famous only after the limestone hills were recorded by colonial authorities including Daly and Syers as well as American Naturalist, William Hornaday in 1878.The history of Batu Caves all started in the year of 1891 when Mr. K. Thamboosamy Pillai, who were one of the founders that also founded the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple Dhevasthanam, Kuala Lumpur, on top of that he send his associates that is Sri Thiruvengadam Pillai and Sri Kanthapa Thevar to do a research for an suitable place of worship for Lord Sri Murugan. It was in that year, that the influential descendant of Indian immigrants from Tamil Nadu, India, Mr.K. Thamboosamy Pillai installe d the ‘murti’ or consecrated idol of Lord Murugan in the 400 ft high Temple Cave. At the following year ahead, the Thaipusam festival in the Tamil month of Thai during the month of January to February has been celebrated there as the annual festival of Batu Caves. In addition to that, the steps to go up the Batu Caves was all wooden steps up an it was built in the year of 1920 and have since been replaced by 272 concrete steps.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Improving Labor Standards In Developing Countries Economics Essay

â€Å" The modern transnational corporation ( MNC ) is an economic, political, environmental, and cultural force that is ineluctable in today ‘s globalised universe † ( Chandler and Mazlish, 2005: 19 ) . Todays planetary economic system and political relations are greatly influenced by the forces of globalisation[ 1 ]. In this context, Multinational Corporations ( MNCs ) phenomenal growing since 1980s has witnessed an impact on every domain of modern life ; such as cars, commercial aircraft, Information Technology, consumer merchandises, nutrient and drinks which makes its function important in this ‘global era ‘ ( Chandler and Mazlish, 2005: 2 ) . With the liberalization of international trade and free flow of capital, big Numberss of developing states have espoused into international trade agreements ; which have significantly shaped the planetary forms of trade and international division of labor ( Zammit, Forthcoming ) . In this context, MNCs are planetar y houses that manage production, grosss, and investing beyond its boundary lines along with a pool of international human resource. With the coming of globalisation epoch, the inquiry of set uping minimal labor criterions for developing states has raised multifaceted issues, such as economic, political and moral which to day of the month remains combative[ 2 ]. For past two decennaries efforts have been made by the United States, along with other beforehand state authoritiess, and the International Confederation of Free trade Unions ( ICFTU ) , to set up many-sided regulations in the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) to implement higher labor criterions globally. These criterions were being placed to take rigorous trade steps against states deemed unable to keep core labour criterions. ( Singh and Zammit: 2004 ) . However, this enterprise did non happen as developing states opposed this thought and marred this talk by veiled protectionist schemes. In this context, this paper focuses on the outgrowth of ‘global concern revolution ‘ since 1980s and the mode in which it affects labour criterions in developing states. The paper has two cardinal purposes, foremost to measure the cardinal issues in this on-going argument on labor criterions in the literature, and 2nd to analyze the ability of large concerns to better labor criterions in the labour intensive export-oriented work force in the context of planetary value ironss based in developing states. In making so this paper will analyze work conditions of workers employed at the underside of value ironss in developing states. This paper structures ‘ around five elements: I ) an overview of the international labor criterions, this subdivision will research the contention around core labor criterions and it significance from the position of large concern ‘ ability to better them ; two ) Economic development and labor criterions, this subdivision will discourse nature and form of international trade and investing and the its effects on rewards, employment ; three ) the paper so examine the development of planetary production webs and value ironss, in making so the paper will look at the impact of planetary production on working status in the informal sector concentrating on dress and footwear industry in Pakistan, as these industries are labour intensive ; four ) the consequence of developing state trade on labour market conditions in the North ; V ) a brief expression at the possible function of International Labour Organisation ( ILO ) , host authoritiess, Non-government administrations NGOs, W orld Trade Organisation ( WTO ) and Trade Unions to better labor criterions by partnering with planetary large concern. This paper argues that aˆÂ ¦ .International Labour Standards: The On Traveling ArgumentThis subdivision focuses on divergent positions of developed and developing states on planetary trade and labour criterions. The conflict between advocators of a planetary labor criterions and oppositions of the criterions is based on economic and political struggles between developed and developing states. In order to asses the ability of MNCs to better labor criterions in developing states, it is indispensable to be clear about what is meant by labour criterions and understand why they are extremely combative. The contested labor criterions are embodied in ILO 1998 Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as the benchmark to mensurate labour criterions. Of these criterions, I ) freedom of association and right to collective bargaining ; two ) freedom from forced labor ; three ) the abolishment of child labor and four ) the riddance of favoritism in the workplace are considered to be core labour criterions ( CLS ) . These criterions were jointly accepted by the member state provinces to continue them ( Singh and Zammit, 2004 ) . However, this has non been the instance. These core labor criterions are viewed by many NGOs as basic human rights. The nucleus criterions are besides known as â€Å" societal clauses † on the footing of human-centered evidences. However, Singh and Zammit argue, by categorising nucleus labor criterions as human rights will forestall any farther argument to take topographic point on happening a favourable manner to implement them in developing states ( Singh and Zammit, 2003: 10 ) . The Declaration clearly states that â€Å" We reject the usage of labor criterions for protectionist intents, and agree that the comparative advantage of states, peculiarly low-wage developing states, must in no manner be put into inquiry † ( WTO, 1996 ) . However, there is differentiation between nucleus labor criterions and other labor criterions, which besides factors into ‘social clause ‘ and normally embodies labour criterions such as minimal rewards, restriction of work hours, and occupational wellness and safety. The function of other labour criterions can non be underestimated in the visible radiation of nucleus criterions as they play a important function to analyze the influence of MNCs on criterions. Therefore, â€Å" labour criterions can be understood as societal ordinances † that are â€Å" designed to turn to fairness, wellness and safety † , and at the same time economic in nature to modulate r ewards and control motions in the market ( Mehmet 1999: 90 ) . Although, liberalization of free trade has offered both challenges and chances to states based in South ; Elliott and Freeman note, that many developing states are committed and inclined to better nucleus and other labor criterions. Many of the developing states have Torahs to keep ‘decent labour conditions ‘ ( Elliott and Freeman, 2003: 11 ) . However, due to weak economic constructions and deficiency of resources and inability to implement labour codifications, shackles the betterment of criterions in developing states. Hence, argument over labour criterions is on-going, the inquiry is what are the ideal criterions and what is the best manner to integrate them ( Singh and Zammit, 2004: 3 ) . It is proposed, that as labor criterions aid equilibrate the involvements of workers and capital within states and within the planetary economic system ; workers through corporate brotherhoods should take upon themselves to implement these criterions. [ Connect ] Singh and Zammit argues that since nucleus labor convention do non include minimal pay, hence, execution of nucleus criterions will hold no impact on pay degrees and other labor costs and hence, developing states should follow this criterion.II Nature and Pattern of International Trade and Investment: Consequence of developing state trade on labour market conditions in the NorthThere is complex relationship between the labor criterions and economic development. The International trade enlargement has brought labour markets of developed states in close contact with those of developing states[ 3 ]. This economic relationship has reaped great benefits such as heightening the development in the development states through the transportation of cognition and foreign direct investing ( FDI ) from the North. On the other manus, developed states in the North has benefited from this trade relationship by seeing lifting criterions of life. However, Wood notes, that this relationship has affected the unskilled labor of North, by diminishing rewards and doing them excess ( Wood, 2004: 1 ) . The 1947 preamble of the original General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) stated: â€Å" Relationss among states in the field of trade and economic enterprise should be conducted with the position of raising criterions of life and guaranting full employment † ( cited in Harvey et Al, 2000: 4 ; Chan, and Ross. 2003: 1012 ) . This facet of globalisation has an impact on workers from both South and the North. For illustration, developed states are concerned that trade with low-wage states which is non synonymous for low labor criterions states are responsible for increasing pay inequality and loss of employment chances in developed states. Nolan argues that the â€Å" planetary concern revolution † has â€Å" changed the nature of the capitalist house, the form of competition and the manner in which economic production is forming in much of the planetary economic system † ( Nolan, 2006: 1 ) . This development of planetary concern has generated competition at planetary degree, which compels houses in similar industries to unify their resources in order to accomplish economic systems of graduated table and derive competitory advantages of houses. Therefore, these amalgamations and acquisitions make MNCs powerful entity to play a dominant function in the planetary production and trade. ( Connect with following parity ) The ordinances of the new planetary production system and trade have been redefined under the counsel of transnational corporations and their subordinates, developing ‘system planimeters ‘ in planetary value ironss. The planetary retail merchants employ new engineerings and methods acquired through amalgamations to exercise force per unit area on houses in supply concatenation. These system planimeters posses unequal bargaining power in value ironss, as they put force per unit areas in the retail sector, for consolidation to their first grade providers for ‘right monetary value ‘ and ‘right clip ‘ , who further pass the force per unit areas to bottom of the supply concatenation which is normally labour intensive and outsourced to developing states to entree cheap labour. Therefore, making ‘cascade consequence ‘ to obtain economic systems of graduated table. Nolan argues this â€Å" ‘cascade consequence ‘ will hold profound deductions † for southern states houses â€Å" in catching up † at the planetary degree, that may make entry barriers into planetary concern ( 2006, 155 ) . From developing states ‘ positions, entry into value concatenation plays a important entry point for their local corporations to hold entree to â€Å" the planetary trade good ironss of nucleus houses † located in developed states ( Nolan, 2006: 3 ) . Therefore, less developed states ‘ houses admission is non entirely managed by the trade policies but besides by the tactful determinations of the parent houses in the value ironss. Although MNCs play a important function in developing states by puting in different industries and supplying employment chances with their economic and industrial power, the developed states ‘ authoritiess have exploited the ‘weak bargaining place ‘ of developing states to make more avenues for large concern ( Madeley, 2008: 17 ) . How Labour criterions and patterns Therefore, â€Å" MNCs are non merely economic entities but portion of complex interplay of factors † , that has both positive and negative effects on societal, cultural environment of the host states ( Chandler and Mazlish, 2005: 3-4 ) .