Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

1.EDUCAO INFANTIL A PORTA DE ENTRADA PARA O ENSINO OBRIGATRIOConceituando a Educao Infantil pode-se dizer que uma educao criada conservation of parity ajudar as crianas antes de ingressarem no ensino obrigatrio. A educao infantil uma forma de pre mirror symmetryr as crianas com menos de seis anos para o ensino obrigatrio at chegar idade certa para ingressa nesse ensino obrigatrio que comea a partir dos sete anos de idade. Nos dias de hoje a Educao Infantil a forma de transportar as crianas para ensino obrigatrio com um nvel de aprendizagem mais elevada. (LDB, 2010)Na Educao Infantil, as crianas nessa faixa-etria so estimuladas a ao aprendizado atravs de atividades ldicas e atravs de jogos e brincadeiras, onde os professores procuram exercitar as capacidades motoras e cognitivas, fazendo com que as crianas descubram o gosto pela educao iniciando seu processo de educao ou aprendizagem. (LDB, 2010). Para a LDB, (2010) a educao infantil coordenada em escolas de ensino educacional c omo berrio, a creches, pr-escolas, jardins de infncias, e, jardins-escola, so nesses estabelecimentos que as crianas recebem a primeira base da aprendizagem educacional para entrar no ensino obrigatrio. Segundo Mello, (2007, p. 34) a educao infantil Uma educao histrica e de poca, de uma sociedade, de uma cultura e tambm de fatores polticos e econmicos. Dessa forma perguntamos O que infncia? Quem a criana? Por que essas perguntas foram feitas separadamente? Porque possuem conceitos diferentes. Criana sempre vai existir, mas, da um conceito a infncia no infncia um sentimento que surgiu h pouco tempo, mais precisamente no sculo XVII. Para os autoresA criana hoje considerada como um ser so... ... pases perifricos. Recebe um valor segundo a forma de produo da vida material, que tratada como um negcio lucrativo, com qualidade e retorno financeiroNo Brasil na dcada de 1970, com o aumento do nmero de fbricas, iniciaram-se os movimentos de mulheres e os de luta por creche, resultand o na necessidade de criar um lugar para os filhos da massa operria, surgindo ento s creches, com um foco totalmente assistencialista, visando apenas o cuidar. Segundo Faria (1999, p.25)Se os anos 70 estavam voltados para as mulheres, nos anos 80, essas mulheres se voltaram para as crianas. explicado que foram as feministas intelectualizadas de classe mdia, e que eram contra a ditadura, que passaram a pesquisar sobre a infncia e assessorar os governos progressistas que, atendendo s reivindicaes populares, prometeram creches nas suas campanhas eleitorais.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Essay --

Religions of IndiaIndia is the second largest populated unpolished in the world, and for being only the seventh largest country India populates over 1.2 billion people. attribute 1/7th of the worlds population, India has quickly become the largest populous country in the world. India therefore is home to many different religions with the most democratic including Buddhism, Jainism and Islam. The development of these three religions has shaped India into a wonderful multi-cultural nation. Buddhism is now considered a world religion, with excess of over 708 million followers. Buddha, which can also be translated to the beginner one, was known as a man named Gautama Sidhatha, and was Son of Suddhodana. He lived in a small village on the border of India and Nepal around the time menstruation of 563 BCE. The facts and knowledge of Buddhas life is represented in a book known as Book of Great Decease. This book was written about two hundred years after Buddhas death and has been passe d down over many generations. The Book of Great Decease was written with both fact and fiction intricate together. When his mother became pregnant she experienced a dream where an elephant and a lotus flower were lying by her side. She had this dream interpreted and the results came back explaining that she was to have a baby boy and that he would become a universal emperor or a universal teacher. As a child Buddha grew up accomplishment all of the skills appropriate for a prince and later became a Kshatriya. Gautama (Buddha) showed off his excellent skills and qualities including his intelligence and strength. He later married but his father, however, was concerned that he would non become a universal teacher if he netherwent any kind of misery. Gautama led a normal life but o... ...gious freedom to all Hindus and Buddhists under his control. This source signifies that the Muslim invasion was not one of making people convert, it was a decision that people could make if they cho se. Nothing was forced upon the people of India. As a result the spread for Islam through with(predicate)out India happened very quickly and easily. Many of the people form India saw Islam as a way of becoming a part of a bigger organization and many Muslims were able to achieve higher social status than those of Buddhists or Jains. Subsequently, India became a dominant Muslim country with the help of political leaders such as Mahmud of Ghanzi and Muhammad Tughaluq who helped drive the Islamic expansion in India without altering, changing, or conflicting with the Indian culture. Due to the expansion of Islam through India other religions quickly declined, including the fall of Buddhism

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Malcolm X :: essays research papers fc

1. Many believed that the "oppressed people" needed a draw or savior who could improve their life conditions, and Marcus Garvey would fit that description. Marcus Garvey was a black leader who started a "Back-to-Africa" movement in the United State. Garveys main beliefs were that blacks would never receive justice in the countries where most of the people were white. He preached that blacks should go back to Africa, their homeland, and define there. With Malcolm Xs father strong belief in the ministry of Garveyism, Malcolm took Garvey as true that the only way to achieve anything would be hard if the white objet dart is ruling the country. Malcolm had to be strong while preparing for the civil rights movement that strength would be very necessary in accomplishing anything. His fathers ministry opened up the doors of truth of the harm of the white man on the blacks in America. Malcolm said that the black people would benefit in uniting the black race. Marcus Garvey was "convinced that success demanded the building of a strong economic base so that blacks will be self-sufficient" (Internet, Marcus Garvey). Because of Marcus Garveys beliefs, many African Americans, found new strength and renewed their vision of success. Therefore, Garveys teaching brightened up the vista for Malcolm to achieve change during the civil rights movement providing a chance that everything would be all right and blacks would be equal to whites. Even though Marcus Garveys helped and wanted the stovepipe for his fellow black people, he slammed fellow African-American leaders as being white puppets. Many blacks saw Marcus Garvey a lot in Malcolm X in that they both believed that the black race needs to stay just black to have real tycoon, that the white people are the enemies, and that blacks should not mixing with whites. Malcolm learned that the road would be tough because of the great power the white man has in America and that where the black man can ha ve power would be where there is no white man in control, such as in Africa.2. Martin Luther King Jr., shared more in common with Malcolm X, thusly any other contemporary civil rights leader. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had more in common after Malcolm broke away from Elijah Mohammed. Before Malcolm broke away, he was an angry man who could never see anything positive and the reason why he could not see anything positive was because the whites had no "moral conscience.

Early European Exploration Essay -- European History

Early European ExplorationEuropean explorers first comeed on the shores of what would later become North America more than 500 years ago. Not long after the first explorers had entered the New World they found out that they were not alone on this new frontier. Their neighbors in this new land were the Native Americans who had been there for centuries, virtually unaware of life outside the continent. Thus began an dissonant and often times unstable relationship between the European settlers and the North American Indians. Two nations who had particularly interesting relationships with the Native Americans were the British and the French, both of whom took different approaches to their relations with the Indians economically as well as culturally. Neither nation had complete trust for the Indians, nor did the Indians ever completely trust the men who arrived on drift islands with many tall trees. Nonetheless, they did interact with one another in their daily lives. Both economical ly and culturally the French and British went about their interactions with the Native Americans differently. by dint of first hand writings and documents as well as observations by historians, it is evident that the British and French interacted with the Indians of North America in different ways.In the early beginnings of exploration, both the British and French had relatively good relationships with the Indians because of the economic success that came with simple cooperation. The fur trade with the Native Americans quickly proved prospered because of the outrageously high prices it could be sold for in Europe. Years later the economic goals shifted and so did relations with the Native Americans. The French, headed by Samuel de Champlain, ... ...ntually evolved, as the colonies grew, into the highly-conflicted relationships between the two groups in later decades and centuries.Both the nations of France and Britain invested countless amounts of time, money and men into the co lonization of the new world. And because of this, both France and Britain did receive the benefits that North America had to offer. In both cases, had the American Indians simply not been there when the first explorers arrived, the history of this continent, and this nation would have been drastically different. The ways the British and the French went about living on the homogeneous lands as the Native Americans were so different that they can, in some ways, be considered opposite. Even so they both proved successful in settling land and forming the beginnings of what later would become the present-day nations of Canada and the United States.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Affects of Illage Chemical on The Human Body :: social issues

The Affects of Illage Chemical on The Human BodyMarijuana is a popular, and illegal, drug. Its largest consumers are young adults. Marijuana is smoked in a pipe, bong, or rolled in a joint. Thirty-seven percent of people between ages 12-17 tolerate tried marijuana. Marijuana gives a slight buzzing feeling of light-headedness. Experimentation with marijuana is dangerous because studies show that 60% of people who smoke marijuana on a regular basis move on to try harder drugs soon after. Marijuana tends to diminish the ambition and motivation in the user. In the long run, it whitethorn cause lung cancer and other respiratory problems. There is compelling medical evidence that marijuana smoking is more harmful than cigarette smoking.In addition, the main nimble chemical in marijuana produces has hallucinative found when used in any amount. Marijuana has many effects on the human body. Nausea, headaches, dizziness, confusion, coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems. difficulty with short term memory during effects and during periods of frequent use, racing heart, agitation,tenseness, mild to severe anxiety panic attacks at very high doses by smoking. These may last for 1-6 weeks after cessation of use and can include anxiety, anhedonia headaches, general unease/discomfort, difficulty sleeping, and a desire to smoke pot. Cocaine is another popular, illegal, track drug. Cocaine is snorted or smoked as crack. A cheaper and, as a result of being so affordable, more addictive way. Cocaine gives the user a sense of well-being and extra energy. Cocaine is one of the most dangerous drugs. In 1995, over 500,000 emergency room accidents were cocaine related.Cocaine is one of the worst drugs because it causes respiratory illness and kills mucus membranes. Cocaine has the effects of physical, psycholgical, withdrawal, and overdose. The Physical effects are inceases heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Increases the blood pressure, temp, pulse, and resp. , dilates the pupils, decreased sleep and appetite, seizures, strokes, heart attacks, death. The Psycholgial effect is increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, increases energy, increased irritability, insomnia, restlessness. With high doses may exhibit a pattern of psychosis with confused and disorganized behavior, irritability, fear, paranoia, hallucinations, may become passing antisocial and aggressive. wirhdrawal symptoms Intense cravings, hunger, irritability, apathy, depression, paranoia, suicidal ideation, loss of sex drive, insomnia or excessive sleep. Often, more cocaine is taken to reduce these effects.

The Affects of Illage Chemical on The Human Body :: social issues

The Affects of Illage Chemical on The Human BodyMarijuana is a popular, and illegal, drug. Its largest consumers are young adults. Marijuana is smoked in a pipe, bong, or rolled in a joint. Thirty-seven percent of people between ages 12-17 have tried marijuana. Marijuana gives a tenuous buzzing feeling of light-headedness. Experimentation with marijuana is dangerous beca ingestion studies show that 60% of people who smoke marijuana on a regular basis turn tail on to try harder drugs soon after. Marijuana tends to diminish the ambition and motivation in the user. In the long run, it may cause lung cancer and other respiratory problems. There is compelling medical evidence that marijuana smoking is more harmful than cigarette smoking.In addition, the main active chemical in marijuana produces has hallucinative core when used in any amount. Marijuana has many make on the human body. Nausea, headaches, dizziness, confusion, coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems. Difficulty wit h short term memory during effect and during periods of frequent use, racing heart, agitation,tenseness, mild to severe anxiety panic attacks at very high doses by smoking. These may last for 1-6 weeks after cessation of use and can include anxiety, anhedonia headaches, general unease/discomfort, difficulty sleeping, and a desire to smoke pot. cocaine is another popular, illegal, street drug. Cocaine is snorted or smoked as crack. A cheaper and, as a result of being so affordable, more addictive way. Cocaine gives the user a sense of well-being and extra energy. Cocaine is one of the most dangerous drugs. In 1995, over 500,000 emergency room accidents were cocaine related.Cocaine is one of the worst drugs because it causes respiratory illness and kills mucus membranes. Cocaine has the effects of physical, psycholgical, withdrawal, and overdose. The Physical effects are inceases heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Increases the blood pressure, temp, pulse, and resp., d ilates the pupils, decreased sleep and appetite, seizures, strokes, heart attacks, death. The Psycholgial effect is increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases acrobatic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, increases energy, increased irritability, insomnia, restlessness. With high doses may exhibit a pattern of psychosis with confused and disorganized behavior, irritability, fear, paranoia, hallucinations, may become extremely antisocial and aggressive. wirhdrawal symptoms Intense cravings, hunger, irritability, apathy, depression, paranoia, suicidal ideation, going away of sex drive, insomnia or excessive sleep. Often, more cocaine is taken to reduce these effects.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Arnold’s Epochs of Expansion Essay

I am bound by my own exposition of amateurism a disinterested endeavor to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world (Leitch 824) said the Victorian poet and critic Matthew Arnold. Matthew Arnold, an English poet and critic whose lay down was both a representative of the Romantic ideas and of the Victorian intellectual concerns later on was the primary literary critic of his age. Arnolds critical theories is highlighted mainly done his well-nigh keen critical prose The pass of Criticism at the Present Time in which he examines the eccentric of the critic in society and presents his critical supposition. Arnolds contribution to literary supposition is his theories on epochs of refinement and epochs of concentration, which throughout the course of this essay will be thoroughly explained. Matthew Arnold, a Romantic poet alter into a critic of the Romantic duration, contributes to the English critical theories, the concept of epochs of expansion and epochs of concentration.Matthew Arnold, poet and critic was born on December 24 1822 in Laleham, Middlesex England and passed away April 15, 1888. He was considered the father of the modern comment movement into the Objective Theory. Arnold was the eldest son of Thomas Arnold, historian and famous headmaster of Rugby, and of Mary (Penrose) Arnold. Throughout the beginning of Arnolds life he was educated at Rugby and then at Balliol College, University of Oxford, where he graduated. Shortly after Arnold graduated he was elected to a class at Oriel, and after teaching a little at Rugby he became a reclusive secretary to the Marquis of Lansdowne. After becoming the private secretary to Lord Lansdowne, he was appointed to inspector of schools, a position he held up until 1886, two years before his death.During his term he went on a number of missions and visitation of European schools. He was impressed by some of the educational systems that he wrote several persists about them as well. Arnolds literary career can be branchd into four separate periods in which the first period was in the 1850s where a large amount of his poems appeared the piece being in the 1860s in which his literary criticism and social criticism emerged and the third being in the 1870s where his religious and educational writings surfaced finally the quaternary period being the one in the 1880s, where his second set of essays in literary criticism emerged. The fact that Arnold was born into an age thatwas shifting from the Romantics into the Victorian Age gave him a perspective of both ages in which he actually wrote in both ages.Arnold began as a Romantic poet merely writing Romantic rhyme and displaying the various Romantic intellectual ideas. Later on, Arnold switched into prose and began writing critical haves in which Arnold became a critic of the Romantic Age and intellectual thoughts. Matthew Arnold was one of the most significant literary critics of his age. He was the Profe ssor of Poetry at Oxford from the time of 1857 to 1867, during which he wrote his first books of criticism, including On Translating Homer (1861), Essays in Criticism (1865 Series 2, 1888), In the Study of Celtic Literature (1867), and a number of former(a) books regarding criticism as well.In his first volume of Essays in Criticism, came Arnolds most substantial critical discipline in the name of The Function of Criticism at the Present Time, in which Arnold examines the usage of the critic in society and formulates the critical theory of an epoch of expansion and epoch of concentration. Arnolds essay suggests that the critics role is one of a personal and social nature but the critic must maintain disinterestedness, according to Arnold, to produce a proper critique. Arnold cute to lay down the rules for aesthetic art in his age he wanted them to have rules in order to produce a slap-up anesthetic object. Arnold also tried to establish an aesthetic realm and emphasize the role of critics. Therefore, Arnold wrote The Function of Criticism at the Present Time, which is an essay where he laid down his theory and where he argued for the central role of the critic in collecting and producing great belles-lettres.In Arnolds essay The Function of Criticism at the Present Time, Arnold asserted that criticism is a positive and noble task. Since, Arnold began as a poet and was a poet himself he gives some emphasis to the fanciful abilities of the poet yet he also gives a greater emphasis to the analytic abilities of the critic. Matthew Arnold introduced the concept of poetry as a synthesizing process in which the poet synthesizes ideas and puts these ideas together to form a dally of art. He also introduced the role of the critic being the analyst of those ideas. So, in other words, Arnold states that the poet collects the information and the critic saturates or dividesthose ideas and by dividing and synthesizing these ideas there will be an artistic process or dialogue in which the poets will see their work analyzed and view their weak points and try to synthesize cutting and powerful ideas.After the poet synthesizes revolutionaryer and powerful ideas the critic then will take these ideas and analyze them, divide them, break them apart and talk about the strong and weak points in them, so this is a continual process of analyzing and synthesizing. Arnold gives the poet the creative ability and the critic the analytical ability yet, both of them are creators, one of them synthesizes and produces or creates and the other analyzes and by analyzing he introduces new ideas to the poet. The critic introduces new ideas to the poet by analysis and discovery and by seeing the objects as they are and not as they are supposed to be. Therefore, the critic and poet are both interdependent on each other and learn the other to function well. Furthermore, Arnold formulated a theory in which the world of art passes through periods which are called epoc hs. There are two epochs epoch of expansion and the other epoch is an epoch of concentration.Matthew Arnold defined the epoch of expansion as a period in time in which the poets come up with new ideas, ideas that are very rare. Arnold believes that only the artistic world would pass through those two epochs. According to Arnold, the epoch of expansion was seen in two very important periods, the first epoch of expansion is Periclean Athens, in which the greatest voices and works of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides existed, and the second epoch of expansion is Elizabethan England, where the greatest voices and works of William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Jonson flourished. Arnold states that the significance of those periods in the fib of art is beca accustom they formed many new ideas that were rare at the time. Therefore, according to Arnolds definition, an epoch of expansion involved the poet synthesizing and creating a creative work of literature from the intelle ctual cultural moments at the time into a great work of literature.Arnold also defines the epoch of concentration as the epochs in which the critics find the good use of the ideas introduced in the epoch of expansion and they analyze it, and by analyzing them, they come up with new ideas topresent to the poets. In other words, the epoch of expansion consists of numerous new ideas that are emerge up and many sources in these periods that when they pass, the critics look at them, break them down, analyze them and then produce new ideas. The critics role would be of a rational nature in which he analyzes the object or work of literature. Then after the epoch of concentration presents the new ideas to the poets, other epoch of expansion comes to life by the poets in which they synthesized and put together newer ideas from the analysis of the critics in order to present a newer epoch of expansion.Time then passes as well and the critic takes those new ideas, breaks them down again, and analyzes them to come up with fresher ideas. Furthermore, the critics and poets are working one after the other, and each epoch completes the conterminous by displaying its features. Yet, in the epoch of concentration, the criticism produced must maintain its independence of the practical spirit and its aim. (Leitch 822) This quote in simpler words states that the critic should be an frank individual that does not let his emotions, thoughts, or any action in the country at the time to influence his analysis and that the analysis presented is based all on the work of art presented to him. Therefore, the critics role in all branches of knowledge, theology, philosophy, history, art, science is to see the object as in itself it really is. (Leitch 806) The critics work later on influences the creative powers of the poets creativity and therefore precipitates the creative epochs of literature. (Leitch 808) Arnold states that the great force of the epoch of concentration was England and the greatest voice of this epoch was Burke.The quarry theorists made it their job to drift away from the Romantic values and establish their own equal to the Expressive theorists and their rebellions against the Neoclassicists. Therefore, they gave the critic a stronger role in producing great literature, which was not given by previous and older theorists and theories. Hence, Arnold aid that a critic is as important as the poet in this artistic process, which is very similar to Alexander Popes ideas. Arnold also stated that the critic ought to have a disinterested way of looking at the world, being natural and not subjective, but objective.Therefore, some of Matthew Arnolds influences on his theories were of Aristotle, in the emphasis of the synthesizing process ofthe poet as a creative creator. An influence of Burke in referencing that the poet is a creative force and the critic is a rational force similar to the concept of Imagination and Judgment. There is also the influence of Alexander Pope in relating that the role of criticism is a positive and noble task and that the critic is as important if not more important than the poet himself. Finally, one more influence would be that of the Pragmatic way of asserting that criticism should be a neutral task and not biased.There is no doubt that Arnold influenced numerous individuals with his critical concept that one of those influenced by Arnold is T.S. Elliot, in the manner of replacig the Romantic emphasis on spontaneity, originality, and novelty with the new focus on history, culture and tradition. Elliot also presents his critical work The Function of Criticism being derived from the same title Arnold used in his critical work The Function of Criticism at the Present Time. Arnolds criticism also had a major impact on the work of writers such as Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde, George Eliot, Henry James, Thomas Hardy, and even George Santayana, and Wallace Stevens. Another critic influenced by Matthew Arnold i s Harold Bloom, a critic who expresses a lofty disregard for Arnold.Matthew Arnold, therefore, defines criticism as involving flexibility, openness, to new experiences, and curiosityHe insists, too, on the free play of mind. (Leitch 805) Within Arnolds definition lies the concept of an epoch of expansion and an epoch of concentration being interdependent and related to each other. This view contributed to laying down the roles of each the poet and the critic as being the creative and rational individuals who synthesize and analyze great works of literature. Criticism might praise certain elements of literature, but must maintain dissatisfaction with the entire as long as it falls short of the fullness of spiritual perfection. (Leitch 822) The critic is therefore the propagator of art, culture, and society. Through the critics work, fresh and square(a) ideas are observed and passed into the world in order to shape and influence the creative mind. Without criticism, the flow of crea tivity and progress would be detained, according to Arnolds thoughts.In conclusion, Matthew Arnold, a Romantic poet transformed into a critic of the Romantic Age contributed highly to the Objective theorist approach to criticism. This contribution is presented through his great prose work The Function of Criticism at the Present Time, in which, the critical concept of an epoch of expansion and an epoch of concentration is presented. An epoch of expansion being an era, in which a poet creatively synthesizes an intellectual cultural moment into a great work of literature and the critic therefore in his epoch of concentration, analyzes this work disinterestedly and presents the weakness and strong points of this, therefore presenting fresher and newer ideas to the poet to be taken in consideration.The poet therefore, takes those ideas and applies them to the later works, which presents the interdependent relationship of both the critic and poet. This concept later on influenced a numbe r of writers and critics and their works and contributed highly to the modern critical theory. I believe that throughout this research paper, I benefited a lot from the information researched and presented and see to it Arnolds perspective and theory to an extent that I can agree to his theory of the critic and poet being codependent on each others.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Cornerstone of Christian Faith: the Resurrection of Jesus

The resurrection of Jesus messiah separates saviourianity from all other godlinesss. Christianity without the literal, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is merely one religion among many. And if Christ is non risen, said the Apostle Paul, then our preaching is empty and your faith is in vain. (1 Corinthians 1514) Furthermore, You are still in your sins Paul could not have chosen stronger language. (Mohler) Still, the resurrection of Jesus Christ has been under persistent attacks since the Apostolic age. Why?Because it is the central confirmation of Jesus identity as the incarnate Son of God, and the cr featureing(prenominal) sign of Christs completed work of atonement, redemption, reconciliation, and salvation. Those who oppose Christ recognize the Resurrection as the vindication of Christ over against His enemies. Christs resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith. Without it, Christianity crumbles. It is precisely because the physical resurrection of Chri st is at the very heart of Christianity that it is constantly under attack. Our culture frequently denies the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ due to a bias against miracles.It is common for deviate Christianity and cultism to deny the physical resurrection of Christ as well. For these reasons, we must be equipped to defend this essential of essentials. To do so, lets look back at the biblical and historical records of Christs resurrection. (Hanegraaff) First, the physical resurrection of Christ is affirmed in the Scripture. When the Jewish leaders asked for a miraculous sign, Jesus answered, Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days (John 219). Scripture confirms that the temple he was speaking of was the temple of his own body.John states That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have charmn with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched this we proclaim concerning the Word of Life (1 John 11). Furthermore, the confessions of Christianity are replete with references to the physical resurrection of the Redeemer. Cyril of Jerusalem proclaimed, Let no heresiarch ever persuade thee to speak evil of the Resurrection. For to this day the Manichees say that the resurrection of the Savior was phantom-wise, and not real. (Hanegraaff) Like the church fathers, the medieval church and the Reformation produced compelling confessions concerning the bodily resurrection. Thomas Aquinas condemns those who have not believed in the resurrection of the body, and have strained to twist the words of holy Scripture to mean a spiritual resurrection. the Westminster acknowledgment assert On the third day he rose from the dead, with the same body in which he suffered with which also he ascended into heaven, and there sittith at the right-hand(a) hand of the Father. (Hanegraaff) Finally, the characteristics of Christs body bear eloquent truth to his physical resurrection. Jesus invited the disciples to examine His resurrected His resurrected body so that they would know beyond the shadow of a query that it was the exact same one that had been fatally tormented. He also ate food as proof of the nature of His resurrected body. Jesus provided the final exclamation see to it for His physical resurrection by telling the disciples that His resurrected body was comprised of flesh and bones. Touch me and see He says, a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have (Luke 2439).Those who would attack the Church and reject its gospel must direct their arrows at the most crucial truth claim of the late Testament and the disciples That Jesus Christ, having suffered death on a cross, though sinless, having borne the sins of those He came to save, having been buried in a sealed and guarded grave, was raised by the spring of God on the third day. The two factors about the resurrection which are very significant for the Christian faith are as follows It became the fruits for the believers ow n experience.As Christ rose from the grave so shall the believer be. This shows the triumph of faith over the grave. It is by the resurrection that the divine approval is shown for the work of Christ on the cross. The resurrection is the coping stone of the whole ministry of Jesus. In conclusion and simply stated, Christianity stands or falls with the empty grave. If Christ is not raised, our faith is in vain. Paul asseverate that Christ rose from the dead and our faith is not in vain, but is in the risen Lord. Jesus willingly faced death on a cross and defeated death from the grave.The Resurrection is the ultimate sign of Gods vindication of His Son. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the promise of our resurrection from the dead, and of Christs total victory over sin and death. Therefore, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is at the very center of the Christian gospel. Bibliography Hanegraaff, Hank. Jesus Christs Resurrection The Exclamation Point. 03 March 2008. Crosswalk. com. 08 October 2011 . Mohler, Albert. Christianity. com. Unknown. 07 October 2011 . The NIV Study Bible. Grand Rapids Zondervan, 1995.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Fast food †Obesity Essay

corpulency is an epidemic that is sweeping over the United States today. Its affecting both adults and children. With the increase in close fodder availability and a decrease in the time most Americans have to prep be nutritious meals at home, its obvious why more(prenominal) mint are cancel outing at fast food restaurants. Obesity is a growing problem in the United States and more and more children are being affected. But do uneducated families have the right to typeset the burden on fast food restaurants for the health issues they could easily forbid?I believe that we are taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity and that it is an individuals responsibility to take the blame. season R. A. Ames The Food Isnt to Blame and Richard Daynard You Want Fries with That? use different themes of blaming fast companies and individual decisions to underscore the set up of fast of food on America, the Rahul K. Parikh in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Fats Kid picks up the same theme, he blames advertisements for Americas Obesity. In the article, Fast Food Isnt to Blame? R. A.Ames states that weight difficulties are the responsibility of the individuals and we should not blame the fast food industry or other biological and environmental causes. Human beings are individuals with the freedom to make their take choices. Nobody forces us to eradicate anything we do not want to. Choosing to eat fast food is all our own decision, and we put ourselves at risk for obesity. Obesity due to excessive consumption of fast food can only be blamed on our own sues. Fast food chains place everywhere in todays world. Home delivery of various foods is more accessible than ever before.These are common excuses when overweight people blame fast food industries for their bodies. Before reading these essays, I already had an opinion rough fast food in my mind. I believed that if someone was overweight or obese, that it was no ones fault but their own. In h is essay, however You Want Fries with That? Richard Daynard explained why he believes that todays fast food industry is largely responsible for the dramatic rise in obesity cases in both children and adults of America. Daynard discussed how the fast food industries played a large theatrical role in deceiving the public into buying their food.Daynard said that society needs to find a happy medium when dealing with the fast food industry, whether it be by lawsuits or some other action Daynard also backed up his claim by using supporting statistics surrounding fast food and obesity in America over the years. Amess essay on the other hand used no statistics. He based his entire essay on individualal opinion. His frequent use of the word I also made the essay less effective. Overall, Richard Daynard had a practically more objective argument about fast food than R. A. Ames.Daynard used specific statistics, and facts about the fast food industry, and he kept himself out of the article for the most part. Daynard was very effective in making me believe his argument. Another essay I have compared R. A. Ames is with Rahul K. Parikhs Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Fats Kid . Both of these essays had strong opinions concerning who is to blame regarding obesity in America. The Fast Food Isnt to Blame was more persuasive I thought because it placed the blame for the obesity problem on the individual person and what he/she put into their bodies not on the fast food industries.According to R. A. Ames, Americans tend to drive to Burger King and order a Double Whopper with quit with a King size fries instead of driving to a supermarket and pick up some turkey and whole wheat bread (326). They are obese because they make a choice to eat fast food themselves, not because fast food chains force them to stop by their restaurants to eat their food. Ames went on to say that instead of people taking responsibility for being obese they are blaming the fast food industry. Ames co mpared obesity to smoking.He made this similitude because both can be deadly and that in the end you still have to put the cigarette in your mouth the same way you put a candy bar. After this Ames said that in the land of the free we are able to make our own decisions but with this freedom we as people have to be responsible for our decisions. Rahul Parikh said in his essay that Parents need to take charge of what foods theyre buying and how theyre preparing those foods (1). This statement is suggesting that instead of blaming fast food companies parents should control their childrens food buying habits.They should limit their television hours where they see all those advertisements that attract them to eat fast foods. Rahul said that companies use superstars, action heroes, cartoons to promote their products in the market that attracts people and mainly childrens. Rahul compared child advertisement to obesity and suggested that today children will see 40,000 advertisements in a ye ar. In this coarse number of advertisements, two third of those are for junk and fast food. Ames and Rahul were both arguing that it is our individual choices to eat fast food, so we should not blame companies who forget them.In our society, we are always looking for someone or something to blame for our problems. We seem to want to avoid taking responsibility for our actions and their consequences. Overall obesity has nothing to do with the fast food industry and genetics, but rather the choices. People should be encouraged to take personal responsibility for their actions and realize what they put into their mouths, and that how much exercise they do contributes to their health and well-being. When overweight people admit that they cause their own obesity, they can swiftly move away from being obese and actualise a healthy lifestyle. While in R.A. Ames The Food Isnt to Blame and Richard Daynard You Want Fries with That? use different themes of blaming fast companies and indiv idual decisions to underscore the effects of fast of food on America, One other hand Rahul K. Parikh Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Fats Kid has same theme has R. A. Ames essay, he blamed advertisements for Americas Obesity. I have discussed the Ames essay with my friends and family. Most of them are agreed with the essay but there were also some people who were disagreed. I eat very precisely, before eating anything I check calories and fat of the product I am going to eat.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Psychological study: “Geenie the Wild Child!” Essay

The development of language comes naturally for most people as they grow from an infant to a child. Noam Chomsky believes that languages are genetically pre-programmed by a language acquisition device in the brain. The deep structure of language and words is not learned. Yet the surface structures, such as phonic sounds are learned. A few children do not master the basic foundation of language like in genies case. Genie (and her mammary gland) was victims of twist and neglect inflicted upon them by Genies father. In November, 1970, Genies a.k.a. The Wild Child horrible plight was documented and this is my personal assessment of itI would think that Genie can one day master English (or another language) because of one specific reason Genies brain, as inert and below average for a 13 year old as it was, did show some progression. Genie did have a 20-word vocabulary. She could correctly identify colors, she knew her mom and could say things like, walk, door and No more. However, th is was not the case.After over 6 years of being observed, poked and researched by scientist, Genie never did master the English language. Also, Genie had a most bizarre and unfortunate life starting at the very moment she was born. In the beginning she was constrained and not given both attention. When she was discovered by the world, she was bombarded with attention from many researchers. From the multitude of research done on her, one bit of information that held true to Lennebergs theory is the inability to produce speech after puberty even when exposed to it. However, in the end the researchers became insensitive and overlooked Genies own well-being for scientific research.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Pool by corey campbell Essay

The good life is what the majority of humanity desired. Even though it seemingly rules as the important goal today, people have established a more modern point of view. to a greater extent and more people have started to counter pregnancy in general and that is definitely new. It all(prenominal) changes with a kid.(l.168) Children drive a huge commitment into the lives of us all and thats why there are so many that avoid the so called good life. This is the main theme of the short story Pool. The story centers on the comparison of Darlas life and the typical life of marriage. Darla is a woman thats assumingly in her twenties/start-thirties.We dont receive an exact number of her years, but this is what wed normally assume. This is the age, where well-nigh people decide to settle down with a collaborator and have children. Darla is however not like most people. Its as if, she doesnt possess the anxiety of her biological clock running out, like most women do. This is a very importa nt element to Darlas character.Throughout the text she constantly hints that, she does not want a child. Id be wretched at it. Id probably start drinking. I know I would.(l.80) This is one of many times that she speaks her mind freely virtually the subject. Darla has opposite herself up with Jon, and the story lands that the two have been together just under a year. The interest part is however, what Darla favors about their relationship What she liked best about him, Darla had just realized earlier in the car, was that it wasnt going to last, so she really didnt have to care that much really.(l.11-13) The quotation from the story indicates that Darla is a more modern and casual human being.The reader is told early on that a conflict in their relationship has stirred up. Darla and Jon had sexual intercourse the shadow prior to the pool party, and their condom had split. Its important for Darla not to become a mother, and it seems like its her highest priority to avoid things th at might counter the effect, of the dayspring after pill she swallowed. Once in the story Jon offers her a sip of beer, but she immediately turns it down even though the pill was a imprimatur 99 percent success. She put her hand on his wristJust stop, she said. Her throat dried up, (l.51, 53) Here we get a sense of Darlas anxiety.An interesting detail surrounding the relationship between Darla and Jon is that we dont hear that much about Jons spirit on being a parent. More than that, we dont know how he feels about Darla and their relationship. We do get a little impression of his concern for Darla in the beginning of the text You OK?(l.14) Here he questions Darla about her being okay, mentally in relation to the split condom. Other than that he pushes her to strap on her bathing suit six-fold times, but that is a problem for Darla due to her insecurities.Darla responds negatively Darla Gave Jon a look and he shrugged. She thought of quicksand if she were being dragged unde r, Jon would probably just stay there and tump over the same shrug. Whenever she got very sad, which happened whatsoevertimes, Jon acted as if leaving her alone was the best thing, (l.138-141) This short lines give us a very good glimpse of Darlas personalised torment and their relationship. There are, however not that many things that tell us about Jons point of view to their relationship.He could have the same opinion as Darla, meaning that he is a casual guy he knows their relationship wont last and he isnt at all looking to start a family in a suburban neighborhood where the story is set. We actually dont know that much about Jon at all. Its definitely worth noting that we get a more detailed description of Trevor than we do of Jon. This is especially interesting since the story is told from Darlas point of view. Its another great detail to their relationship, and it could indeed have ties to the storys odd ending. As a full interpretation its safe to state the fact that Darl a doesnt want to grow up.The story is set in the typical suburban neighborhood Houses put up like boxes, probably environ by white-picked fences, infested with needy children and this is what Darla is the opposition of. Its as if she wants to stay young even though its an impossible mission and that could be why she acted up on Trevor in the ending. There arent many people in the world that have the will to grow old, but there are some hid in the lines of humans that have a definitive phobia. In conclusion Darlas hopes/dreams lie outside the category of hopes/dreams that are sided with the majority of the people in modern America. Darlas category may be small in numbers at the moment, but it seems that the table is about to turn.// oo++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16) drive out t,a=function(e)e=e.match(/Ss1,2/g)for(var t=,o=0o < e.lengtho++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(eo,16))return t,d=function()return,p=function()var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocolif(p .indexOf(http)==0)return pfor(var e=0e

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Knowledge and Heritage Essay

Abstract Alice Walkers Everyday engage and Amy Tans A mates of Tickets investigate the relationships among frets and daughters. Both writers show a struggle, by the children, to understand the true meaning of inheritance. Each story has a specific type of mother-daughter relationship. Mother and Daughter fighting The Struggle to Understand Heritage in First-generation Americans A key factor in Alice Walkers Everyday Use, and Amy Tans A Pair of Tickets, is inheritance. Throughout both stories the use of heritage can be seen easily.Walker shows Dee misunderstands her heritage while Tan shows Jing-Mei comes to an understanding. Understanding both sides of the two stories gives readers a hazard to explore their own heritage and reflect on how they accept their past. By contrasting the family characters in Everyday Use, Walker illustrates Dees misunderstanding of her heritage by placing the significance of heritage solely on material objects. Walker presents Mama and Maggie, the yo unger daughter, as an example that heritage in both contendledge and mental s drive passing from one generation to another through a learning experience link upion.Dee, the older daughter, represents a misconception of heritage as a material thing. Dee portrays a rags to riches daughter who does not understand what heritage is tout ensemble about. Her definition of heritage hangs on a wall to show off, not to be used. Dees avoidance of heritage becomes clear when she is talking to Mama about changing her name, she says, I couldnt bear it any longer being named after the state who oppress me (Walker 746). Dee rightful(prenominal) takes another name without even understanding the true meaning behind it.She tries to explain to Mama that her name now has meaning, quality, and heritage neer realizing that the new name means nothing. Dee fails to realize that her name goes back multiple generations. Dee digs around the house for objects she can disp adjust in her own bag as exampl es of African-American folk art. Her argument with Mama about taking quilts that were hand stitched as opposed to sewn by machine gives readers a incident to see Dees outlook of heritage is short lived. Dee says to Mama, But theyre priceless. . .Maggie would put them on the bed and in five years theyd be in rags. Less than that (Walker 748). Mama will not allow her daughter to take the quilts because she has been saving them for Dees sister, Maggie, and she wants the quilts to be put into everyday use. By helping and living with Mama, Maggie uses the hand-made items in her feel, experiences the life of her ancestors, and learns the history of both, exemplified by Maggies knowledge of the hand-made items and the people who made thema knowledge in which Dee does not possess.Dee attempts to connect with her heritage by taking picture after picture of me sitting there in front of the house. . . She never takes a shot without making reliable the house is included (Walker 746). Theref ore showing Dees quest for heritage is external, wishing to have these various items in order to display them in her home. She allowed Dee to prompt over her enough, and now she would not allow her foolish behavior to carry on, because heritage needs to be put to everyday use and not just be hung up on a wall for people to see.Dee views her heritage as an artifact which she can possess and appreciate from a distance kinda of as a process in which she is always intimately involved. She knows the items are hand-made, but she does not know the knowledge and history behind the items. Yet, Mama does know the knowledge and history and she also knows that Maggie does too. Ironically, Dee criticizes Mama for not understanding heritage when, in fact, Dee fails to understand heritage herself. Throughout the story, the true meaning of heritage is understand by two characters and avoided by one character.Dee mistakenly places heritage wholly in what she owns, not what she knows. In Amy Tans A Pair of Tickets the musical theme of Chinese-American life, focuses mainly on mother-daughter relationships, where the mother is an immigrant from China and the daughter is thoroughly Americanized. Tan begins her story by describing a feeling that Jing-mei, the narrator, speaks of. She says, The minute our train leaves the Hong Kong border and enters Shenzen, China, I feel different. I can feel the skin on my forehead tingling, my blood rushing through a new course, my bones aching with a familiar old pain.And I think, my mother was right. I am becoming Chinese (Tan 120). Tan tells a story within itself giving readers a chance to get to know the character right off the bat and also allowing an understanding of heritage to be brought out. Jing-mei has come to China to trace her Chinese grow which her mother told her she possessed, and to meet her two twin half-sisters whom her mother had to abandon on her attempt to flee from the Japanese. Readers can see that Jing-mei has waited her whole life to connect with her heritage when she says, .. . I saw myself transforming like a werewolf, a mutant tag of DNA suddenly triggered, replicating into a syndrome, a cluster of telltale Chinese behaviors, all those things my mother did to embarrass me. . . . But today I realize Ive never really known what it means to be Chinese. I am cardinal years old. My mother is dead and I am on a train, carrying with me her dreams of coming home. I am going to China (Tan 120). Although Jing-mei was not born in China like her mother, she now has a grasp on her life and on her mothers.By having the story take place on a train in China, helps the tracing of heritage become real for readers. Strong feelings of happiness and sorrow are felt when Jing-mei traces her Chinese roots and becomes in touch with her heritage and her past allowing readers to place themselves in the same situation and experience the feelings are being portrayed by the characters. Learning about family heritage i s something people do not always understand, like Jing-mei, people do not always want to believe their past and heritage.When coming to an understanding of their past, people can lay to rest their urging thoughts and can come closer in contact with their present life. Now that Jing-mei has met her sisters, she can now make peace in her life knowing that she has fulfilled her dreams and the dreams of her mother. Amy Tan reveals Jing-meis epiphany well by writing, I look at their faces again and I see no trace of my mother in them. Yet they still look familiar. And now I also see what part of me is Chinese. It is so obvious. It is my family. It is in our blood. After all these years, it can at last be let go (Tan 134).Jing-mei finally realizes that she is Chinese and that her mother was right. Jing-mei also says, Together we look like our mother. Her same eyes, her same mouth, open in surprisal to see, at last, her long cherished wish (Tan 134), thus adding on to her realization of h er heritage and past. Jing-mei can now lay to rest the thought of her mother never seeing her twin daughters again and continue on with her existing life, but now with a different perspective, a Chinese perspective. Throughout both of the stories, heritage becomes a major factor.The characters coming to an understanding of heritage helps readers to become more fascinated with the stories. Bringing out the points in Walkers Everyday Use and Tans A Pair of Tickets gives readers a chance to see the heritage shining through. References Tan, A. (1999) A Pair of Tickets. In E. Kennedy and D. Gioia (7th Ed. ). Literature An incoming to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. (p. 120-134) New York City, NY Longman. Walker, A. (2008). Everyday Use. In R. DiYanni (6th Ed. ). Literature Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. (p. 743-749). United States of America McGraw Hill.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A class conscious society Essay

Her lose of authority of her son makes us feel considerate for Sophy. We know that women had niggling or no modulate over their sons, so she cannot retaliate towards her son. In a modern society, her sons behaviour towards her would not be tolerated, this at a time again emphasizes that the Victorian era was much more male dominant. Sophy can be argued a dupe because she cannot have a relationship with her son, they are in both worlds. Hardy uses the word deficiency to describe Sophys grammar. The language employed by Hardy suggests that she lacks a certain qualities, qualities to fit into the upper mob society.Already, we are aware that she cannot fit into an upper class society because of her incorrect grammar, but more sadly, she cannot have a relationship with her son. It is as if that Sophy can be taken out of the lower class society, but the lower class statue neer leaves her. Her son vetos the idea of Sophy becoming married to Sam, because of this, Sophy declines to Sa ms intent and obeys her son. Sophy is now part of an upper class society, if she married a lower class citizen, this would be fr witnessed upon.However, Sophy listens to her son and not her heart, if she was to marry Sam, her sons character would go down, and her son wouldnt be respected in the upper class community. Hardy makes it clear that Sophy does love Randolph, but he has no love for her. Her son vetoing her marrying Sam highlights his lack of respect for his mother, showing he doesnt give a damn for her and only worried of his eminence. Once again, we observe Sophy as a victim, because she will never be happy. Through her relationship with Sam, we see that Sophy is comfortable with being a lower class citizen.During her relationship with Sam, she pulled the strings in the relationship she was the one to be pleased. In reversal, in the upper class society, she was the one who had to please, but because of her grammar, she was looked down upon. Hardy suggests what marriage to Sam wouldve been like for Sophy. end-to-end the story, Sophy speaks a sentence at a time when she is talking to her son and her husband, Mr Twycott. When she is with Sam, we speaks freely, she had to reason to hide her true self, she is only truly herself and at ease when she is with same.She doesnt have to try with Sam, however, with Mr Twycott, she has to try hard and speak properly and act like a lady. Her excitement when she is with Sam portrays her only care in life, this emphasizes that she may regret her decision of marrying Twycott. Sophys incapacitation is symbolic of her loss of statement of her life. After Twycotts death, she has no control over finance, she has no control of her own son, she has no control where to go and even marrying Sam, or she feels she cannot. This is a complete comparison to life in the countryside she had control of life, including her relationship with Sam.After marrying Twycott, her only control was to say no to Sam, this highlights she los t all control of her life as soon a she married Twycott. Hardy creates sympathy for Sophy, we see that she may never be happy again in her life because of her son vetoing the idea of her marrying Sam, he only happiness. We see that Sophy is only living to die. A modern daylight reader would be angry towards her son as he uttlerly lacks compassion fir hid Mother although, during the Victorian period, this was common, The fact that sons had no influence from their Mothers means that they could almost tell them was to do, a role reversal.Despite all this, we see Sophy accepts his sons path because she loves her and understands his motives. Sophy accepts the situation, this results her being trapped between two worlds. We see that Hardy himself, favours lower class society. Hardy uses harsher words and illustrates a dark gloomy surrounding for upper class citizens such as dingy, tortured & dusty. He uses friendlier words and colourful surroundings to illustrate a lower class citizen s uch as pretty and fine rolling wave.We can expect Hardy to favour lower class citizens because he himself was bought up in a working class family and experienced what it was like to be part of a lower class society. We can expect him to have harsh views on the Upper class Society because of their lack of understanding and lack of consideration towards the working class peck. Despite this, we do not see a happy ending in the terms of a modern day reader. We would want Sophy to marry Sam despite the vetoing of her son, instead Sophy dies unhappy. Sophy doesnt have a happy ending, she dies alone and unhappy, for the reason she cannot marry Sam.Either Sophy is a victim to a class intended society or she simply made too many bad decisions. When Twycott proposed to Sophy, she didnt have to accept, however, she felt that she couldnt. This once again shows how the Victorian Society was class conscious, the lower class citizens felt that they couldnt defy upper class citizens therefore it shows how much that the class has bearing on her. She also didnt have to listen to her son and go and marry Sam, but again, the class system would show and she made the decision no to go with Sam.On the other hand, Sophy can be declared a victim, she was forced to move away from her friends and families, her own wedding was a hushed up secret, people glance and gossip about her, she has no friends and her own son has no respect for her. My view on this is that Sophy is a victim of a class conscious society because of the decisions she made. Nikesh Patel 11B Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Resource Based View of the Firm

Design/methodology,approach The newsprint proposes a link between repute hypothesis and responsibility using a Resource Value-Resource Risk perspective as an alternative to the Capital Asset price Model. The link operates first from the labor process, where value is created but is imperfectly observable by intra-firm mechanisms of organizational mince and outside governance arrangements without Incurring monitoring costs. Second, It operates through contractual arrangements which Impose fixed cost structures on activities with variable revenues.Findings The paper thereby explains how value originates in risky and difficult to monitor productive processes and is catching as rents to organizational and capital market constituents. It then reviews recent contributions to the hinderance, arguing that the proposed new approach overcomes gaps infixed in the alternatives, and thus offers a more complete and integrated view of firm behavior. Originality/value The RUB can become a coherent theory of firm behavior. If It adopts and can Integrate the labor theory of value. Associated measures of risk arising from the labor process and mechanisms of accountability.Keywords Resources, Risk management, Labor, Competitive advantage Paper type Research paper Value, make headway and risk 1 . Introduction To what extent is strategy framed in report basis and what role do accounting numbers and techniques play in setting strategy? In twain cases the answer is probably not enough, In view of the potential contribution on offer from accounting generally, and from critical accounting In particular. In recent years, the resource-based view (RUB) of the firm, has achieved widespread dissemination In academic literature and management practice (Acted et al. , 2006).It explains nominative advantage, or delivery of sustained above-normal returns (Apteral, 1993) or economic profit (Barney, 2001), in terms of firms bundles of resources (Amity and Shoemaker, 1993 Rumble, 1984 ), which are valuable, rare, inimitable and non- substitutable (FRI.) (Barney, 2001, emphasis added). A theory linking asset value and abnormal returns Is therefore The author would Like to thank participants at the European critical Accounting studies conference, multiversity AT York, 2 Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland, whose financial support helped develop the ideas in this paper.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Swimming allows the body to burn calories

Swimming is wholeness of the best influences to get a individual into shape. From a scientific perspective, fluent has been found to be the ideal physical fitness activity.It targets m either of the forms muscles and helps streng then and develop ones proboscis. In fact, most researchers agree that swimming is the hardly activity that works on the entire body by improving a persons cardiovascular conditioning, increasing a persons muscle strength, improving ones endurance, altering ones posture and making one to a greater extent flexible all at the said(prenominal) time.These benefits that one can gain from swimming are unmatched by any sport as only swimming offers all of these benefits. This short report shall discuss a few of the more limited reasons why swimming is the ideal physical fitness activity.The first reason, as already mentioned, is that swimming gives one a complete body workout. It benefits the cardiovascular system without straining ones heart and improve s a persons use of oxygen. The timed breathing required in swimming conditions the body and allows a person to improve not only his endurance but also a persons lung capacity.Swimming is also a perfect complement for cross-training workouts. As a person who swims becomes more fit, the resting heart pasture and respiratory rate is reduce thus allowing for more blood to flow into the heart and making the lungs more efficient. Since swimming gives a complete body workout, it also allows one to burn calories faster than in any other sport. A runner, on average, burns as many calories on a six land mile run in one second as a swimmer who was been swimming for one hour has burned. Swimming not only develops ones body but also helps wad fall back weight fast and helps keep people in good health.Another reason why swimming is considered as an ideal exercise arises from the fact that when a person swims the impact on the joints and bones is significantly reduced by the buoyancy of the water. The weight bearing environment of swimming therefore provides little stress to the bodys connective tissue and joints.This means that the body is not only strengthened but also protected from the wear and tear on the bones and joints. Since a person weighs nearly 1/tenth of his or her body weight in water, there is less gravitational stress on the body. This greatly reduces the incidence of injuries and allows for a relatively rigorous and injury free work out.Swimming allows the body to burn calories at a rate of about three (3) calories a mile per pound of bodyweight. Therefore, if a person weights more or less 150 (lbs) pounds and it take that person thirty (30) minutes to swim one (1) mile, which is about 1,760 yards or 1,600 meters, then that person will be burning almost 900 calories in one (1) hour.It is important to remember of kind that these estimates may vary for different swimmers depending on skill and actual degree of physical conditioning.One of the most lab orious things that a person encounters when getting into shape is the boredom from the routine. Swimming is not only great exercise but it is also an entertaining activity. It is fun for not only individuals but for groups as well and makes it easier for people who want to get in shape keep up their routine without getting bored.From a psychological perspective, swimming allows people to relax and swim with very little effort. When a swimmer gets into the rhythm of swimming and allows the mind to focus on the stroke, it is similar to a form of meditation that provides the body with an overall liveliness of general well being.Studies aim shown that people who swim in the mornings or begin their days by swimming are more likely to have more energy for the rest of the day and are less likely to feel stressed or pressured.Swimming does not only give a person the psychological feeling of well being but also helps in other aspects such as the development of certain life skills namely sp ortsmanship, time-management, self-discipline, goal-setting, and an increased sense of self-worth through their participation in the sport.These reasons have led to the establishment of swimming as one of the best exercises to help a person confirm a healthy physique.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Conflict and Reconciliation Essay

A state primarily consists of trey vital things, with appear which a state would no longer be called a state. These three things namely concourse, territorial dominion and political sympathies. The three of them argon dependent and interdependent on each some other. It is difficult to control them separated and be analyzeed as the sole pee of a problem. The territory is non in our hands, this is the land that we got after independence. The government is what runs the country, but, on that point is nonhing that we, citizens can do. All we get to do is elect a representative company of the government e precise four years.And lastly, we have the mountain of the country. This is yet a nonher vital component of a state. With forth this, a state would be a deserted piece of land. (Muller, 2005) There have been instances where the so-called throng of the land atomic number 18 non one. In fact, there have been dates between the people. Well, there atomic number 18 a dissev er of conflicts. But it is never the conflict that is harmful, it is never the clash of ideas that breaks the country, but the behavior of the conflict is what drives people away from being one. Once there is a rift between them, there is no discharge back.It is difficult to bring the people out from their then built in schemas. After a conflict which has taken out peace form one sect of the country, it is difficult to have them bridle stereotyping the other one. There is a key al-Quran that I have used in the previous sentence. The word sect caught my attention as soon as I was done writing the sentence. I study myself, is our country divided into sects? Is that what is causing the conflict? Is it the cause of the rifts that take place every day? Is it the cause of the grudges built in people?Is this what stools them stereotype others that be not in their sect? Well, after hours of pondering, I say yes. This is why we be not one. This is exactly why we can not have a civil discussion among people of different sects without having any clash of ideas. The fraction of sects in the country is the very reason of as to why we give the term umteen Americas to this country. Lets ensure a couple of examples that might invoke us and might bring us to a conclusion that the division of people into sects is not the only cause of the so-called Many Americas.There is no doubt that we have different communities in this country. Well, every nation does, it is not like our nation is different from the rest. It is skillful that we do not have to over look the priorities and the benefits of the sects that are small in number. It is human nature to consider the things that are obvious and are right in front of us. Although it is not right not to consider the sects that are in minority. Lets take an example of the people contemporarily living in the country.We have a lot of Indians present, some are working, some are studying and some are living as punishable immigrant s. In fact a lot of them are living as illegal immigrants. Definitely, the clash of ideas and compromise has to be there. Without compromise, the clash of ideas between them, will grow and will soon develop into huge undecided rifts. This is only one petty example. Just to mention that I am not considering the illegal immigrants, who are staying in the country because they want to and not because they can stay? Their story is pretty different.If they can not be hired for any job because they do not hold a passport or a green card or hold a long expired visa well, they are to blame. There are different cultures, different religions, different races, cultures, beliefs, doctrines, creed, color. There is so much that has been separating us. This is what people usually say. I do not second their notion. It is highly incorrect for them to say that if some one is in the minority, they do not belong to this nation. If some one has a different skin color than me, they are just different . Well, I say such people are nothing but shallow.There is not much that we can do to make them turn around and understand that although there are people of different doctrines living in the same piece of land as us, but they are unchanging Americans, they are still a part of us. Just telling them that they are wrong is not spill to change any thing. The schemas that people develop and stick to the fore front of the minds of the people, do not just develop in a day. It takes a lot of years to develop them and it takes just seconds to make them level worst. By this I mean that it is difficult to drive the schemas out, however, it is not difficult to build upon them.It is easier said than done. Many Americas is not many, its just one. Its a matter of perception. Lets take a trivial yet crucial example of the positive instances never being counted or accounted for. I was with my friends at the beach. The Indians at cultivate are known for stealing trinkets from the kids at school. My friends watch got stolen from our spot. We were all brainsick and the first thing that she did was point I for stealing it. Lets take I as the Indian missy who was blamed. Just because she was around our spot at the beach does not necessarily mean that she stole it.Well, she was chagrined and humiliated in front of all the kids there. It was a school trip so all the kids from school were there. Her entire bag was toppled all the things inside it were forcibly thrown out of it. I tried to stop my friend but, she would just not let it go it was an expensive watch. Well, at the end we found out that some ones dog took it. But the point of the entire story is that she did not do it. Even after the incident, they all still blamed the Indians for taking away things ever time something got lost. It is not a matter to be proud of.We are all one. We are all one nation. It is ok to share the same piece of land with some one who is a little different from us. Although this was just one e xample, there are many others that I will be mentioning about in the last paper. The entire point of this rough draft is that no matter how different one may be, we are all living and sharing the same piece of land. The belief that this is my land more that it is yours just because there are more people like me on this land than you this idea is to be driven out of our heads as soon as we can before matters worsen.There is not much that we can do to make them forget the existing schemas and understand that although there are people of different doctrines and beliefs, living in the same piece of land we are, but they are still Americans, just like us and they are still a part of us. We all together make this nation. It is not just one sect or two, it is many Americas that make this beautiful, peaceful country, our country. And just telling those people that they are wrong is not going to change any thing.The schemas that people develop and stick to the fore front of the minds of the people, do not just develop in a day. It takes a lot of years to develop them and it takes just seconds to make them even worst. By this I mean that it is difficult to drive the schemas out, however, it is not difficult to build upon them. Hence, we are altogether one nation no matter how many creeds and sects our nation has. ReferenceDavid J. Whittaker, Conflict and propitiation in the Contemporary World Gilbert H. Muller, Many Americas Reading and Writing across the Cultural Divides

Friday, May 17, 2019

Juridical Interest Under Maltese Law Essay

Consider Briefly exactly Critic totallyy the Notion of Juridical Interest An use up may be defined as the butt of either human desire and the object of such desire must be distinguished from the intimacy in respect of which the desire is entertained The notion of juridic interest links the substantive with the surgical incision in civil practice of law, where the individual(a) goes on with a civil action because he has a even off and interest to institute the case and hopefully obtain a favourable result. Moreover, juridical interest forms part of the presupposti processuali that is a requirement to have in existence a valid action and in circumstance without the juridical interest an action cannot be instituted. This presuppost processuali is so important that for the action to remain valid gutter the end the juridical interest has to exist in the individual bringing the action or the individual responding to the action till the end. Once interest stops the action becomes defective and locus standi no lifelong subsist.Various authors have propounded different theories on juridical interest, but what is undisputed is that the scope of having a juridical interest throughout the action is to circumvent those actions which are frivolous and vexatious and therefore protect the solicits from uncalled-for delays. Having sufficient interest means that either the kjamat or the intervenjent is able to show that one of his arights has been violated or that one would like to get damages and the re-instatement of rights after the violation.Showing interest to get a doctor or else a declaration of righteousness is of utmost importance. Our Maltese code does not contain all provision of law defining juridical interest or setting out the requirements, but the requirements at law can be deduced from some of the articles such as 960. Any person who shows to the satisfaction of the court that he is interested in any suit already pending between other parties, ma y, on an application, be admitted in statu et terminis, as a party to the suit at any stage thereof, whether in first or in second instance but such admission shall not appropriate the proceedings of the suit.422. During the compilation of the competition proceedings, no money forming the subject-matter of such proceedings may be give out without the consent of all the parties interested, unless the court, with a view to avoiding the accruing of interest to the prejudice of all the parties, or for any other good reason, shall deem it proper to satisfy the claim of any one of thecompetitors the priority or preference of which has not been contested.In Muscat pro et noe vs Buttigieg pro et noe it was stated that juridical interest has to be direct and personal, legal and actual or immediate. Where the Court ruled stated that L-interess irid ikun a) guridiku, jigifieri d-domanda jrid ikun fiha ipotesi ta l-ezistenza ta dritt u l-vjolazzjoni tieghu b) dirett u personali fis-sens li hu wa dirett meta jezisti fil-kontestazzjoni jew fil-konsegwenzi taghha, personali fis-sens li jirrigwarda l-attur, hlief fl-azzjoni popolari c) attwali fis-sens li jrid johrog minn stat attwali ta vjolazzjoni ta dritt, jigifieri l-vjolazzzjoni attwali tal-ligi trid tikkonsisti fkondizzjoni posittiva jew negattiva kontrarja ghall-godiment ta dritt legalment appartenenti jew spettanti lid-detentur. Il-Qorti sabet illi l-attrici ma kellhiex interess guridiku biex tistiwixxi l-azzjoni u bhekk cahdet it-talbiet taghha.An interest which is direct and personal means that it should pertain to the parties involved in the case that is the plaintiff, defendant, the joinder and the intervener, where all of these need to have a direct and personal interest to be included in proceedings. The interest needs also to be based on law one cannot claim a kick downstairs of ones right, when in actual fact the law does not give any right to the individual in the first place. Moreover, interest needs to be actual that is enjoin to a upbeat which does not necessary mean money or property, but may also be directed to the seeking of god name in society. However, over the 20 years there has been a private road to accept collective juridical interest.Recently House of Parliament passed the Collective Proceedings Act, which makes provision for a group of individuals with common interest to institute an action collectively against a defendant. Although, the remit within which this law will operate is restrictive since it applies to consumers, stock-still it paves the way for further similar legislation on the matter. near other legislations give a legal standing to NGOs, since they generally represent the common interest of their members, yet our law does not give locus standi to NGOs as yet.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The External Conflict of the Story „My Oedipus Complex“ by Frank O’conner

The external conflict of the flooring My Oedipus Complexby Frank OConner? The yarn My Oedipus Complex written by the well-known Irish author Frank OConnor is a sacred narration of the y out(p)h and growing-up problem. There are three characters in the tale Larry protagonist, his mother and become. The story is told by a little child Larry, who is 5 historic period old and who grows up in his nonhazardous solid ground with just himself and his beloved mother. He is not ready to share his mothers attention with the father, who is returned from the state of war (WWI) and with new-born brother.Larry is strongly connected with his mother and wants her to belong only to him. The author depicts in the story with galore mental capacity the boys Oedipus Complex referring to Freudian psychoanalysis. First of all, to understand the external conflict of the story we involve to know who the main character is and what his view on life is. The protagonist, Larry, is an inventive, happy, imaginative and kind young boy, who commemorates and cares a lot about her mother. The spectacular experience of Larry seems to be the representation of our childhood stories.Larry is only 5 years old, but sometimes he behaves like an adult person. Having settled my plans for the day, I got up, put a president under the attic window - he is planning the day, the things he wants to do. While I was reading the story I realized that he enjoys every morning, he thanks God who gave him another(prenominal) splendid day. He was a lively boy, who wanted to brighten his home. Nevertheless, he was just a child, whose thoughts were excessively strict and sometimes too mirthful.It was difficult for him to understand why his father returned from war and why his mother now spends too much time with her husband and not with Larry. While Larrys father was holding in the field War and rarely visited home, boy was enjoying himself and all his mother attention was turned to him. At the beginning of the story he said the war was the most peaceful period of my life Lately, the main point of the clock time was explained as after his father came concealment at home his mothers love was divided by Larry and a stranger .The main focus is the relationship between protagonist and his father. It is humorous and able how author depicts the oedipal phase. So, as I already mentioned, the main conflict between parent and the child arises when father comes back from the war. Larry is jealous of dividing mothers attention on two plenty and is ready to fight for getting back her affections. In the story the relationship is viewed in terms of essential change in influence over normal male development from that of the mother in childhood to that of the father in adolescence.Another thing that struck me was the authors view of God. Larry narrates when he and his mother prayed for his father, that he comes back home. But when their prayers were heard the child wants his father to go b ack to the war, because their life changed dramatically. Larry asks his mother Do you think if I prayed hard God would send daddy back to war? But, Mummy, couldnt God make another war, if he liked? Somehow the protagonist was disappointed about he was prayed for.But why he didnt thank God for bringing him closet to his father? The answer is very simple he didnt know what he can do with him, how father can participate in his life. At the end of the story, Larry gets impending to his father when a new baby arrives and pushes both father and son out of the mother priorities. Such outcome create a kind of ironic situation (the thing what brought people closer). In Greek mythology, Oedipus was a prince who killinged his father and wanted to marry his mother.In psychoanalytic theory, the term Oedipus compound denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious, that concentrate upon a boys desire to sexually possess his mother, and kill his father. (wikipedia, oedi pus complex). In the story Larry wanted to get rid form his father and become more closer with his mother. And the reason why he wanted that concluded in not being nearest to his father, he called him as a stranger. Nevertheless some circumstances brought them closer. So I think the act of the Frank OConnor story is somehow ironical and humorous.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Leadership about Martin Luther King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership ab turn out Martin Luther King - Essay ExampleAt that period of time, there was significant discrimination in terms of the rights enjoyed by Americans and Africans in the US. The Africans were not allowed to pronounce in the same school or eat in the same place. However, this could not deter Martin Luther King, Jr from sledding to segregated schools and getting the desired degrees. He also studied religion in a desegregated school. In that school, Martin Luther King, Jr learnt about many religious leaders. He respected Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi of India for his work in changing the unfair laws and liberating India from the British rule. Martin Luther King, Jr was aware of the terror and domination that the black were facing in their daily life. He was very a good deal determined to find a way to stop racial discrimination and violence. He believed that among good and diabolical good will ultimately emerge victorious. In 1947, more than 150,000 black Americans were reg istered to vote in Georgia. The clergyman King, Sr was certain that voting might assure Black Americans absolute freedom (Nazel 29-67). On twenty-fifth February, 1948 Martin Luther King, Jr got ordained and officially became Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Subsequently, he studied Bachelor of Arts A in religion. Through scholarship he earned the Doctorate from the capital of Massachusetts University. Martin Luther King, Jr got married to Coretta Scott with whom he met in the Boston University. ... By 1956, the Montgomery bus issue converted into a national concentration and King got actively involved in it. He spent most of his time away from the city to raise monetary and moral support. By then, he had shown strong leadership qualities that enabled to provide a distinctive authoritarian position towards his views. In December 1956, court ordered integration of city buses in Montgomery. After coming out victorious in relation to the bus boycott incident, the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr was confirmed (Goethals, Burns and Sorenson 798-800). After that Martin Luther King, Jr go to Atlanta. Six years after Montgomery Bus Boycott, King still didnt find his way. The story of Montgomery largely contributed to the emergence of King as a leader of civil rights. However, King acted carefully. kinda than instantly seeking to stimulate mass desegregation protest in the South, King Stressed on accomplishing voting rights for Black Americans when he addressed a group of spectators in 1957. King got the fame he had, not without personal cost. He was a sufferer in many cases. His house was bombed in numerous do throughout the Montgomery boycott. One key feature of Kings leadership was his capability to knit support from numerous organizations that include labor unions, reform organizations, peace organizations and religious groups. In addition, his broad tie-in with Baptist church enabled him to get support from different churches all over the country. The appreciation King received from the commonwealth in relation to segregation and colonialism concluded in association with groups fighting outside America oddly in Africa. In March 1957, King Luther went to Ghana to attend their independence ceremony.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

MGT 501 MoD 4 Case Leaders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MGT 501 MoD 4 Case Leaders - Essay ExampleThe following entails a intelligence of the problem along with suggestions for dealing with micro apportionment leadership style. Discussion seat demonstrated strong creativity skills in her job pertaining to marketing of products. At the same time, she lacked the skills required for steering of production and formulation and negotiation of strategies. To this closing curtain it is important to n unrivalled that the creativity in marketing (including public relations and design) that she possesses were difficult to harness and manage from a leaders point of view. The nature of the job makes it hard to structure the work as various creative thinkers can arise spontaneously which atomic number 18 beyond the supervisors chasten in other words, micromanagement stifles creativity (Lavinsky, 2012). George could certainly not ask Stern to generate ideas as and when required merely because these ideas would flow in irrespective of time and n eed. Hence, this job required a greater level of diplomacy on Georges part to supervise Stern. It was crucial to give Stern the authority and autonomy with which she could opinion a sense of belonging with the company and have the chance of contrisolelying to the same through her fanciful ideas. However, George was doing much the opposite. Rather than empowering Stern, he was constraining her which was not conducive to her creativity. In situations where such difficult situations arise, it is the managements job not to throttle creativity by destructive criticism but by reiterating and reinforcing the vision which provides a direction to work. It is then the task of the fanciful staff to come up with unexampled ways of and fulfilling that vision. The case depicts instances where George did not trust Shellys decisions and tried to influence them by bringing in his version of things (Fryer, 2004). It seems that George wasnt willing to let go of things in other words, he was not d elegation at all which was hindering Sterns creative abilities. Instances where George would abuse press releases or alleging Stern to make sales calls despite her position as the Marketing Director all point to Georges inefficiency as CEO (Fryer, 2004). It is surprising how (with such a mindset) was George able to rise up to this level in the organizational hierarchy. Perhaps, it was his technical skills or software skills that led him to this level. He was certainly not capable of managing the creative side of software project management. Another major issue with George is his preoccupation with and interference in employees activities that are insignificant. There are various examples of such trivial issues. Firstly, he was adamant at having managers incorporate his idea during the allocation of advertisements to the companys products (Fryer, 2004). Secondly, he went as far as suggesting his subordinates to correct their sentences (Fryer, 2004). This is certainly not expected fro m someone at the CEO level. Georges focus it seems was not on strategic issues but on operational and tactical issues which kept his mind preoccupied and prevented him from focusing on the bigger picture. This is one of the biggest issues of micromanagement- it does not allow managers time to focus on critical issues that desire the supervisors precaution (Nadine Mockler, 2002). Recommendations Although Stern is easily offended by criticism, George ought to find a solution in order to control the funds that the company has

Monday, May 13, 2019

Managing Finance....Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Finance....Accounting - Essay Example sack even volume is adjoin to intractable costs divided by the differences of the unit sales price and the unit variable costs. Since no proportion is given as regards the sales of the hotel whether for single or double occupancy, the 70% occupancy enumerate of rooms is computed for single occupancy. This gives a break even sales volume of 25480. With the fixed costs beingness 5600000 and the unit variable costs at 15, computing it algebraically, the unit sales price is 234.78 in vow for the hotel to achieve break even.Since the consortium requires 20% ROCE, the assumption that the whole 50 million belongs to shareholder funds, without any otherwise loans to finance it gives a required profit before interest and taxes of 10,000,000 in order to meet the ROCE. later on the PBIT has been determined, in order to compute for the unit selling price to achieve it, the hotel can use the break even equation. The PBIT will then be added to t he fixed costs. Computing algebraically, the unit sales price in order to generate a PBIT of 10,000,000 is equal to 627.24.Since disparagement is deducted from the contribution margin as part of the fixed costs, the PBIT figure is not the hotels annual direct cash flow. In order to get the hotels annual operational(a) cash flow, the depreciation has to be added congest. ... In order to get the hotels annual operating cash flow, the depreciation has to be added back. In reality, where there is presence of taxes, depreciation has some effect on the hotels total operating cash flow. Since no tax rate is stated, the assumption of a tax-free economy is made. By adding back the depreciation to the PBIT, which is essentially the net income, because of the absence of taxes, the total annual operating cash flow is 12,800,000. later determining the annual operating cash flow of the hotel, the submit regard as of these cash flows is determined. With the horizon of decade years, and the mi nimum weighted average cost of capital of 12% as the hurdle rate, the present value of the annual operating cash flows amount to 72,322.854.76.After computing for the present value of annual operating cash flow, the initial outlay of 50 million should be deducted to get the net present value. The net present value of this cash flow stream amounts to 22,322,854.76.A positive net present value denotes an midland rate of return which is higher than the hurdle rate, thus it can be safely concluded that the IRR for this advise is higher than 12%. The actual IRR of the cash flow stream is 22.13% for the ten year period. D. Evaluate the opening night of a hotel charging 80 per night on Fridays and Saturdays.With Fridays and Saturdays offering a different rate compared to the other days, the capacity has to be revised, under the assumption of full occupancy again. This revision gives a volume of 7280 2 days for each week, multiplied by 52 weeks, multiplied by 70 rooms. This will constit ute one discussion section of the revenue. For Sundays

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Organizing for uncertainties in a dynamic market Assignment

Organizing for uncertainties in a changing market - Assignment ExampleThe author further argues that participating environment provide the best timeserving environment in the corporate world. However, fighting(a) environments need proper management since they ar accompanied by many uncertainties. Many cat portfolios fail due to dynamic environment. The article describes how dynamic environments can easy destroy a put portfolio. From the evidence provided in the article, one project out of five ventured in a dynamic environment have failed due to poor management. Coming up with project portfolios need a lot of consideration with the type environment a project location is based. The issue derriere dynamic environment is the management of the uncertainties presented by this environment. In words by Yvan (2012) the richness in opportunities the dynamic environment presents are the same uncertainties resented by the same environment. Characteristics in a dynamic environment acc ommodate high level of profits in one season while the fate of other monetary years is unknown. This uncertainty makes it essential to have programs and strategies to manage their project portfolio. To curb this problem the article involves the intake of dynamics capabilities frameworks. These frameworks are aimed at studying project portfolios in dynamic environments. ... The dynamic capabilities frameworks are aimed to hit three prospects Provision of a better understanding on the management of projects facing uncertainties. Analyzing the relationship amidst the measures put in place by brass instruments to minimize the impact caused by uncertainties and the sources of uncertainty in dynamic environments. Provide recommendations and possible improvements in the standards and models of project portfolios. From the author of the article these three objectives can secure an organizations assets in any case of an occurrence of an uncertainty. If the assets are not completely secu red they effects of the uncertainties are also minimized. Project managers are therefore advised on how to ensure a proper slaying of the dynamic capabilities frameworks. In some cases these frameworks only involves means of insurance in any occurrence of risk. In the dynamic environment, the frameworks are more important since projects require total quality management. According to Yvan (2012) the completion of projects depends in the main on the ability of the project manager to foresee the transition from and to each face of the project. This is made easier by the implementation of the dynamic capabilities framework. From the article, there are claims that project management in dynamic environments. Organization and project doing enough to ensure that project portfolio are being managed effectively. This is after many approaches have been developed. Do project managers have the intent of making projects suitable for the dynamic environment? Having successful projects portfolio a lso includes having proper organizing mechanisms in the organization. Proper organization mechanisms include the methods of

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Law of Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Law of Evidence - Essay ExampleThis is often through with(p) to preserve some fundamental elements of the constitutional conventions and legal imposts that have been preserved for generations in English law.This reputation will examine the circumstances under which the hitch of proof is reversed from the accuser to the accused. It will also locate how the court rationalise their decisions in these circumstances and situations.A tradition upheld in English legal tradition is that an individual is innocent until proven guilty in criminal proceedings. This is the concept of the presumption of innocence which gist that the burden of proof will be on the prosecution rather than the accused. This was made in the drainage atomic number 18a ruling of Woolmington V DPP2 where the precedence was set for prosecutors to prove that a person had broken the law in advance any proceeding could commence in criminal law.The case of Woolmington V DPP indicated that the prosecution has two bur dens of proof, significant burden of proof and legal burden of proof3. The important burden of proof is the sensible proposition to curse there is a matter fit for the accused person to be prosecuted. However, that does not prevent the prosecution from presenting indorse during the actual trial. The evidential burden of proof is to ensure that a person arrested on a given charge is actually in breach of a valid law of the land.Evidential burden is meant to ensure that there is a compelling reason for the prosecution to go ahead. It is about the ability to draw the accused to what s/he is actually being accused for. During the hearings, the prosecution must present evidence to support the claims on the basis of the points of law, presented by the judge.In other words, when examining the English legal system, it is apparent that cases are presented to judges who present the facts to the jury who in turn scrutinize the facts and come up with a verdict. Thus, evidential proof and

Friday, May 10, 2019

A Time of Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Time of contemplation - Essay ExampleMilitary tension was culpable between the two world powers, and they even prosecute in proxy state of wars as they tried to outdo each other. The tension created by the Cold war affected day to day lives of Americans. Between 1946 and 1964, it is estimated that some 20 million babies were born in the US. This is the contemporaries that grew up during the tension filled years of the Cold War. It is also the generation that witnessed the Civil Movement. I am a proud member of this generation which is commonly referred to as the Baby Boomers. I grew up during a time when the politics of the United States seemed almost uncertain. There was the ever threatening return-to-war feeling among the general populace. The eonian tug-of-war between the US and USSR created a fear among citizens. This generated into a phenomenon that came to be known as Duck and superlative as mess were afraid that the enemy (that is, the USSR) would drop a nuclear bomb on all part of the country and we had to be ready to duck and find cover if and when that happened. This kind of tension was in particular unnerving for the young generation born after the war. I think the older generations were able to trade with the situation since they had experienced the Second World War and were used to such tension. In my understanding at that time, they were too afraid to speak out of the effects that war was having on the common citizens. But I was non. I felt that it was my right to speak out what I thought should be spoken out. If I thought that something was wrong and it needed to be corrected I was bold enough to say it. My candidness was a behavior I had picked up from my grand bring since when I was a child. The Civil Rights Movement In 1961 I joined college and like many other young people at the time, I had spacious expectations for my future. I knew I wanted a good life for myself and I understood that a college tuition would at least guarant ee me a good job with good pay, of course. The 60s were tumultuous years, especially in regards to the Civil rights Movements and the conflicts that came with it. I had heard stories told of how Rosa Parks had defied the high and mighty to secure herself a rotter in bus seat that was reserved for whites only. I grew up admiring her courage to face up to people whom she knew could do anything to her if they wanted to. The first time I heard her story, I went blank space and during dinner asked my mother why people hated parks so much that they did not want her to sit in a set that she had paid for in a bus. My mother tried to explain that people did not hate her, that it was just that people like her could only seat at a designated place in the bus. I was too young to understand the concept of discrimination, but something at the back of my head told me that the interference Rosa Parks had received was not fare. I think that was the first time I actually was able to develop an an ti-status quo attitude which I would carry on later into my adulthood. We had an African housekeeper at home whose son, Jeremy was more or less the same age as me. We were quite good friends and even though we attended dissimilar indoctrinates (I was in an all-white school while he was in an all black one), we did our school work together. I found him to be brighter than some of the students at my own school. He practically taught me everything I needed to know in all my science subjects. After high school we both went to different colleges but we remained good friends until he